Page 126 of Ice Cold Kiss

Bradford was there. Swinging her own skate’s blade at her. Alina ducked. She lost her balance, and she went crashing into the ice. Her body rolled and when she came up, she was staring at Bradford as he loomed over her.

Alina scuttled back, but he was bringing the skate’s blade down and aiming for her neck. Her hands flew up. “No!”

Midas rushed by her. He slammed into Bradford. They both hit the ice with a shattering impact. They fought. Twisted. Bodies heaved.

There were more shouts in the air.

Dmitri. The guards? She looked over at them for just an instant. “Get help! Call the police!” Her wild stare returned to the battle.

Only it was…over?

Midas rose slowly and stared down at the lawyer. Blood spread from beneath Bradford, trickling out as it hit the ice. Kind of like a big spider web made of blood.

Bradford made no move to get up. She inched closer, but Midas caught her around the waist. “Baby, no…”

But she’d already seen. The unnatural angle of his neck…

Her gaze darted back to Midas.

His jaw hardened. “No one hurts you.”

Once more, she peered down at the man who’d just tried to kill her.

Bradford struggled to breathe. Weak gasps. When he’d gone down, the blade had cut him again. Even deeper in the chest. Had it sliced his heart? Gone that deep? Past bone? It would take so much strength to deliver that kind of blow. And to break his neck…

Broken neck. And a blade to the heart.

“Like father, like son,” Midas whispered.

“No.” She shook her head. Alina held him tighter even as the others swarmed. “No.” Then she grabbed Midas’s shoulders and hauled him down to her. Her mouth pressed to his. “You are the man I love.”


“I. Love. You.” She ignored the tears and the blood and… “And I always will.” Then she crumpled. Heaving sobs shook her body as the terror broke her right there on the ice.

But Alina didn’t fall.

Midas scooped her into his arms and carried her off the blood-covered ice.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Another day, another interrogation.

Midas drummed his fingers on the scarred tabletop as his gaze darted between Detective Joyce Meriam and Detective Calvin Booker. The cops sat on one side of the table while Midas, Oliver Foxx, and a lawyer Oliver had hired, Toula Stratus, sat on the other.

Midas was pretty damn grateful for Toula’s presence. Finding a good lawyer could be so hard these days, but Oliver had vouched for her. Legitimately vouched. Not just someone pretending to be Oliver…

As had apparently happened when Xander Palmer sent emails to Ryker Bellamy pretending to be Oliver. Or when Xander had even faked the phone call verifying Oliver’s rec.

Yep, it sure was hard to find a good lawyer.

“How many more questions must my client answer?” Toula demanded. Her salt-and-pepper hair teased her temples. “You should be hailing the man as a hero. Yet, here we are.” Toula glanced at her diamond-covered watch. “On hour four, and my patience is at an end.”

So was Midas’s. He wanted out of that room. He needed Alina.

She loves me.

She’d seen him at his absolute worst. And…