Page 74 of Ice Cold Kiss

Silence. Then… “What team? I thought you worked alone.”

“Not this time.” His gaze remained on Alina. “And you need to tell me the truth.”

“What the hell are you talking about? Listen, I am paying you. You will do what I say!”

“I’ll do what’s best for Alina.”

Her heart raced.

“You’re on my payroll! If you can’t follow orders, then I will find someone else. I don’t care what Agent Foxx said. I’ll hire another bodyguard.”

“You gonna trust someone else with her? Really? Think other bodyguards will protect her the way I will? Because I can assure you, I will kill before I let anyone hurt Alina.”

Her head shook. She didn’t want Midas killing for her.

More silence. Then… “That’s why I hired you.”

Her eyes widened. Had her father just said—

“Tell me what you’re holding back,” Midas ordered him. “This abduction isn’t just about money, is it?”

Her whole body tensed.

“No,” her father rasped. “It’s about the sins of the past. Even though I tried to atone.”

What in the world did that mean?

“He will come after her again.” Her father seemed certain. “Stop him.”

“I intend to do just that.”

“Tell me where you are—”

“Can’t do that,” Midas said and for the first time during the conversation, his tone wasn’t quite so easy. “You see, I don’t trust you.”


“I also don’t trust the people around you. I’m betting some of your staff had the security code to her house. Or at least access to get the code. I believe they also had a key to the rink. If we’d stayed at the guesthouse longer, it would have only been a matter of time until something happened there. Anyone can be bought, you should know that. I’ll have my associates take a hard look at the people around you. Be careful, Ryker. Sometimes, you just can’t trust anyone.”

“Fuck,” her father snarled. Then… “Only Alina matters. You do whatever has to be done…Only Alina matters.” He hung up.

Midas tossed aside the phone. “Finally, we agree on something.”

Her muscles had turned to stone. “Don’t kill for me.”

He shrugged. Shrugged.

“Midas, don’t! That’s not what I want.”

He stepped toward her. Put his hands on her. And it was just like it always was when he touched her. Heat—fire seemed to whip through her blood. “I will do whatever is necessary to keep you safe.”

Her head tilted back as she stared up at him. The whole world seemed to suddenly narrow in focus so that only he remained. “You aren’t a killer.”

He brought his mouth down toward her. “Yes.” A breath. “I am.”

Then he let her go. Walked away.

Oh, hell, no.