He slowly withdrew his hand. “Midas.”
“Excuse me?”
“My name. It’s Midas.”
She blinked. “Like the king who turned everything he touched into gold?”
“Sure, yeah. Like him. Only you didn’t turn to gold, did you?”
No, but she could have sworn part of her was getting so hot she felt close to melting. All from standing in front of a stranger. Feeling him touch her wrist. Feeling his heat reach out and surround her.
She’d met plenty of good-looking men in her life. Plenty of physically fit men ice skated. But an ice skater’s body and Midas’s body…
Two entirely different things. “Why are you here?” she breathed. No, dang it. Being breathy and leaning toward this stranger was not the way to act. What was wrong with her? Her spine snapped straight. “This area is closed for my private practice. No one else should be in the building.”
“Huh. The door was unlocked. I just walked right in.”
No, no, she’d locked it after she’d entered. She always did that. Then her coach came in and unlocked it with his key and—
“As for why I’m here, I came for you, Alina.”
Now a shiver darted down her spine, but it was one that had absolutely nothing to do with the ice. Unease had plagued her for days. The feeling that someone might be watching her. The feeling that she wasn’t always alone when she should have been.
Just like I thought I was alone here. But I’m not. This big stranger is here. A stranger who was blocking her path. A stranger so much larger than she was. A stranger who knew exactly who she was.
“No.” Flat. All amusement had vanished from his gaze. “You don’t need to be afraid of me. Not ever. That’s probably the first thing you should know about me. I would never hurt you.”
Her breath heaved out. “Why would you say that?”
“Because fear filled your eyes. I don’t want you being afraid of me.” He shrugged his massive shoulders. “And because I would never hurt you. I was just stating a fact.”
“Wh-why are you—”
Darkness. She didn’t get to finish her stammered question because the lights above the rink had just turned off and the entire place plunged into complete and total darkness. A gasp spilled from her and, once more, she started to back up.
His big, warm hand curled around her wrist again. “It’s okay.” Growling. Rumbly. “I’ve got you.”
But maybe that was the problem?
“I’m the new head of security for the training rink. I was just coming to introduce myself to you.”
Her breath shuddered out in relief.
“And, sure I’m the new guy, but I don’t think the lights are supposed to go off during a training session.”
Instead of retreating, she pushed close to him. “No, they are not.” A whisper. “They won’t turn off unless someone turns them off.”
“Well, that’s just not good shit to hear.”
No, it, um, wasn’t good shit to hear. It was bad. Scary.
“I can’t see worth a damn,” Midas groused. “I have to turn on my light.”
And he did. A small, pinprick of light shot up from his left hand. Automatically, she glanced down at the light. A flashlight. One of those penlight things.
“If someone is out there watching us, this light is going to show them exactly where we are,” Midas warned her.
Why would someone be watching?