Page 18 of Ice Cold Kiss

The sound that rumbled from him seemed to be a cross between a rough laugh and a growl. “I backed away because I wanted to fuck you right then and there.”

Okay. She had zero comeback for that response.

“Figured you wouldn’t appreciate that,” Midas rasped. “Seeing as how we had an audience, and it was our first date. Thought I’d be a gentleman.”

Had anyone ever wanted to fuck her right then and there? Those words were hot. He was hot. But… “You haven’t even kissed me yet.”


“How can you already want to fuck me without kissing me?”

Laughter. This time, his response was definitely a laugh.

“Oh, baby…”

Her shoulders stiffened.

“I wanted you the first time I saw you spiraling across the ice. That was seconds before you fell, by the way.” A pause. “I don’t like it when you fall.”

He seemed way too concerned with her falls.

“I’d have to be careful with you.” His head dipped even closer. But his hand moved away from her chin. Dropped back to his side. “Keep all my control.”

Her breath came a little faster. Her heart raced a little more. He was going to kiss her. She was sure of it. He was—

Stepping back. “Really wish you’d let me come inside.”

“No.” Alina shook her head. “This was our first date. You don’t get to come inside yet.”

His jaw hardened. “Not come in to fuck you. I want to come inside and make sure the place is safe.” His head turned toward the closed door. “You can stay right near the entrance while I search.”

“You are really taking this protection bit seriously, aren’t you?”

A muscle flexed along his clenched jaw. “Yes. I am.”

“Do you always search the houses of your dates? That’s a normal thing for you?” Just so she understood. Because he’d said something before about always seeing his dates to the door.

“The full-house search is just a normal thing with you.”

That was protective. And weird. Both?

“The lights shouldn’t have gone off at the rink. The maintenance guy says nothing was wrong with the electrical system. I think someone turned them off. And I don’t like that your car just randomly stopped while you were driving down a long, lonely stretch of the road.”

Goose bumps rose on her arms.

“You’re a beautiful woman in the public eye. I’m a guy used to working security. I see red flags flying around you right now. I don’t like them.”

She lifted her key toward the lock. Her fingers shook so it took three tries to actually get the key in the lock successfully. Once the door was open, she disengaged her security system, but she remained near the front door. With one hand, she waved for him to enter. “Take a quick search. Have at it.”

He stepped over the threshold.

“You’ve scared me, so I won’t be able to sleep tonight without a search.” A rough exhale. “Search away.”

And he did. Fast and thorough while she stood near the doorway gripping her purse. The man searched her house as she tried not to think about red flags and just how very terrified she’d been when the lights went out on her at the rink.

He returned to stand in front of her. Big, bold, and taking up so much space. “It’s clear.”

“Excellent to know.”