He looked at me with such sadness as he whispered no. “I’m sorry, Rory,” he said as he took a step closer to me. I never meant to—”

“Stop,” I said as I put up my hand. “Don’t come any closer to me, please.” I couldn’t take any more of his bullshit. The way he manipulated me with his touch, his kiss, and his words.

“I can’t give you what you want. I wish I could, but I can’t,” he said.

At that moment, I realized that I couldn’t do this anymore. I couldn’t be his friend with benefits, his call girl, or whatever the hell I was to him. The tears were now flowing uncontrollably.

“Sweetheart, please,” he said.

I put my finger up. “I am not your sweetheart,” I said through gritted teeth.

“I’m sorry, Rory,” he said as he walked out and shut the door.

I couldn’t breathe. It felt like a ton of bricks was sitting on my chest. I got down on the floor and crawled into the corner. I curled into a ball and silently cried. After about an hour, I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My mascara-stained eyes were red and swollen and my face had streaks going down it. I washed my face and sat down on the bed. My head was pounding and I just wanted to sleep. I had to make a plan to leave. I picked up my phone and sent Adalynn a text message.

“I need your help, please.”

“What happened, sweetie? Are you okay?”

“I need to leave here and I haven’t gotten word yet on my apartment.”

“Enough said. You can stay here for as long as you need to.”

“Thank you. I’ll call a cab because I can’t take the car.”

“We can pick you up?”

“No, I don’t want to run the risk of Ian seeing you. I’ll see you soon. Thank you.”

“See you soon and I’ll open a bottle of wine and box of chocolates.”

I took the bag down from the closet shelf and packed everything I needed. I stood in the full-length mirror and stared at the necklace Ian gave me. The most beautiful gift anyone had ever given me. I removed it from my neck and laid it out on the dresser. I jumped when I heard the front door slam. I zipped my bag and left it on the bed while I went and checked the house. I walked down the hall to Ian’s bedroom, and I nervously knocked on the door.

“Ian?” I called.

There was no answer. I slowly opened the door and gasped when I saw the mess. The room was in shambles. All the blankets were ripped off the bed, the chair and end table were turned over, and there were clothes lying all over the floor. I walked back to my room and called the cab service. As I grabbed my bag from the bed, I walked downstairs and hit the keys on the piano one last time before I left. I heard a horn beep and I stepped outside. I threw my bag in the back of the cab and gave the driver Adalynn’s address. As the cab started to pull away, I softly placed my hand on the window as a single tear fell from my eye.

Chapter 24

“Aw, sweetie, come here,” Adalynn said as she held her arms out to me and Daniel took my bag.

“Adalynn, I—I…”

“I know, sweetie. Let’s go sit down and you can tell me what happened.”

She led me over to the couch and Daniel brought the bottle of wine and the box of chocolates over and set them on the table. I told Adalynn everything that Ian said.

“What a prick. I don’t know what the hell’s the matter with him! I’ve seen the way he looks at you and how his eyes light up when you walk into the room. He’s done things for you that he’s never done for other women before, including me. Maybe I should have a talk with him.”

“No, please don’t. Please. He’s hurt me so much. I need to tell you something, but you have to promise me you will never ever repeat it. Promise me, Adalynn.”

“Sweetie, I promise.”

“Ian’s mother didn’t die. She left him when he was a child.”

“What?! Are you serious?”

“Yes, and he’s still so angry about it and I think that’s the reason why he’s closed himself off from loving anyone. I think he’s afraid I’ll leave him like his mom did.”

“Wow. He told you that?”

“Yes, he told me she left. I’m just assuming the other is his problem.”

Adalynn reached for a glass of wine and handed it to me. “Drink this, you’ll feel better.”

I heard my phone beep. I pulled it out of my purse and nearly had a heart attack when I saw it was from Ian.

“I figured you’d leave. Have a nice life, Rory.”

I put my hand over my mouth as the tears kept coming.

“Don’t respond to him,” Adalynn said as she took the phone from my hand and set it on the table.

We drank a few glasses of wine and ate half the box of chocolates. Adalynn showed me to the guest room and I climbed into bed. I kept staring at the text message Ian sent me. I already missed him and I wanted to go back, but he was toxic for me. Andrew was right; he’d get tired of me and move on. I needed to think of my future. I did the unthinkable. I sent him a text message.

“You left me no choice.”

A few moments later, he responded.

“I’m sorry you felt that way.”

I set my phone down on the nightstand and cried for hours. The emptiness I felt was horrific and I didn’t realize that I’d grown so dependent on him. The need I felt for him scared me, and as much as I wanted to believe I was strong, I wasn’t. I was back to that weak little girl from Indiana.

The next morning, I opened my eyes, but I couldn’t gather enough strength to get out of bed. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I never wanted to get out of bed again. The door slowly opened and Adalynn peeked her head through.

“Good morning. I brought you some coffee.”

I sat up and took the cup from her.

“I’m not going to ask you how you are because I already know.”

I looked down as I sipped my coffee. “I miss him so much, Adalynn.”

“I know you do,” she said as she took a hold of my hand. “I have to go on a business trip tomorrow for Prim and you’re coming with me. I think it would be good for you to get out of Malibu and get your mind off of Ian.”

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Paris.” She smiled.

“Adalynn, there’s no way. I don’t even have a passport.”

“No worries about that. Daniel is getting you one. It’ll be ready today. He has connections. We just need to get your picture. So get out of bed and doll yourself up.” She smiled.