“Okay, this is the main shaft… Holy gaskets, someone in product design is a size queen.” She pointed at various features as she spoke.

The phallus on the blueprint was gigantic.

“Is that… Is that a good thing? Do humans prefer a larger penis?”

She shrugged. “What does your database say?”

Information flooded through my mind, snippets of video and books reviewed in seconds.

“Fill me up, Daddy,” I played the whine of a man through my vocal cords. “I want to ride your giant cock” followed, this time in the higher, raspier tone of a busty brunette. I chuckled. “It seems so.”

“They’re not for everyone,” she admitted, “but I don’t know many people interested in partners with a penis that would turn down a big dick. And some prefer girth over length.There is such a thing as too big, though. This one might be pushing it.”

“Is it not to your style?”

“Twelve inches is too much, in my opinion.” She shook her head. “Way too much,” she added under her breath.

I did a quick calculation of her body proportions and what a twelve inch phallus might do if inserted, then shuddered at the thought.

Aubrey continued to study the schematics. I pretended to also focus on the schematics, but studied Aubrey as much as I dared.

Her lovely lips moved in near silent whispers as she read over the notes. She was completely focused on the plans for my appendage, lost in the work itself. A smirk here, a furrow of her brow there. Pursed lips when something was not to her liking.

Aubrey could tell a full story without saying a word if you just watched her face.

This was the first human woman I’d met that I actually enjoyed being around. The sample size wasn’t large, to be fair, but Ididhave a massive database of moments of human history and interaction.

I liked her the best.

Having reviewed the general plan, she stood back with her hands on her hips, nose scrunched as she surveyed the schematics.

The more I looked at the paper, the more I resented it. “Can we make it smaller?” I asked.

Aubrey turned to stare at me with wide eyes, the irises a deep, reddish brown. Loose tendrils of dark brown hair bounced against her cheeks with her raucous laughter.

“AL.X,” she managed to get out between peals of humor, “you’re refreshing. I think that’s the first time a guy, android or not, has asked me for a smaller cock.”

She tilted her head in thought. “Do you prefer to be called a guy? The schematics said you were a male model and were coded for he/him phrasing, but you can decide what feels right.”

I mulled over it, then shook my head. “He/him sounds right. And as for the penis, I’d rather have something that felt good for a partner than something for show.”

“What size would you want?”

I tilted my head in thought, searching my database. “Eight seems to be an enjoyable but ample length, if the records from Earth are to be trusted.”

“Eight it is, then.” She grabbed a stylus from a pen cup, scribbling notes across the design. “If anyone comes in, we’ll tell them we’re still working on the plates for the rest of it and I had to make a few adjustments to the balance.”

Calloused fingers speckled with ash moved across the holographic blueprints. “Oh, fancy! They planned for thrusters."

The image of a space shuttle launching played in my mind. I shrank back in horror, immediately regretting the loss of my fingers on her skin. "Like a rocket base?"

The idea of a human wanting fire and controlled explosions near such vulnerable parts…

"No, like... " She held up a hand and bent her fingers to try to mime a bending and expansion motion. "Your dick will move forward and back in an accordion style in addition to your hip movements. It's designed to add additional sensation with this part."

She pointed back to a circular module around the base. "This is a knot. When it's engaged, it will swell to add more pressure. Then your thrusters would keep up the internal movement.”

"I see.” I gestured to the bulging disk she called a “knot”. “And that is for?”