“It’s too easy. They’re hiding something.”

“The council already getting front row seats to my virgin night. What else can they possibly hope for?”

My mother stops pacing and looks at me in shock. “You’re still a virgin? Truly?”

I take a step back. “Of course. I’m not claiming to be innocent or anything. I know what a penis looks like.”And tastes like, and feels like…

“I would have thought that males like yours would have breached your body multiple times by now.”

She says that to herself more than me, but I’m still a little offended. “First of all, this is a strange conversation to be having right now, and second, you said that I needed to remain a virgin! So I have…in the very strictest and most technical sense.”

My mother squares off to me. “When did I ever say that you needed to be a virgin for tonight?”

“I mean…that’s the entire idea of the ascension ceremony. Virgin sacrifice, opening portals, etc…” My voice drifts off as my mother looks like she’s about to have a meltdown. She presses her hands to her temples as if trying to keep her sanity together.

“They must know. They must know that you would follow the letter of the law. A true virgin sacrifice. Those fuckers.”

“Hey, clue me in so I can be indignant as well. Because if I could have been having sex this entire time, I’m going to be pissed.”

“Of course you could have. Your body, your choice. That missive never came from me, but the outdated views of the council. They did a great job manipulating things if they got you to toe the line.”

Yeah, as in passive-aggressively threatening my mother and family. “So, what now? Do you think we should leave?”

She shakes her head. “No, the binding circles have already been laid down. Nothing leaves until the circles are satisfied. That’s what I’ve been checking on as I mingled with the guests.” That’s my mother, always strategizing. “And individually, each council member is weak, but they are formidable as a collective.”

Meaning, we can’t muscle or spell our way out. Perfect. “I guess I’m just waiting around to be screwed. In more ways than one.” I cross my arms. The pulsing beat of my mates’ bite marks ground me. Otherwise, I’d have been clawing every inch of space to find a way out. “Too bad we don’t know what portal they plan on unlocking. We could at least prepare for whatever they’re inviting in.”

My mother stops pacing. An idea dawns on her, lighting her features in a manic glee. “Of course. They will be summoning something in. Something powerful. You’ll have to time it right, but you will have a sliver of a chance to escape the circle before it closes. We will have to take it up with the council afterward, but you will have plenty of lead time on them.”

“And if I can’t shake that circle?”

“That would be even trickier, so leave as fast as you can. But, if you can’t see an opening, do everything in your power to reverse whatever spells they cast.”

Great. Spells are intricate and precise. A marvel of math and physics dosed with power and will. One would need to know the precise formulas to reverse anything correctly.

“Any other options?”

“You can always banish whatever they conjure right back the way it came. Of course, there’s just one small knot in that contingency.”

“Just one small knot?” For my mother to say that, it’s got to be a big problem.

“You’re going to have to kill your ascension partner.”

Of course.

Let’ssee what my choices are for this evening.


Reverse engineer the spell.

Or banish a potential nameless god with a teensy bit of collateral damage.

What a great birthday this is turning into.

If I can’t run out of the circle, the best I can hope for is a minor demon prince for the conjuring.

What a thing to hope for.