Safe for now, I breathe out a sigh of relief. Mother is a master at diffusing tense situations.

“Mother, you have impeccable timing,” I whisper-hiss in her ear.

“I know,” she says with a wink. “Now, these three are Lord and Lady Armstrong, and their son, Callum.”

Relief washes over me as I recognize the Armstrongs, at least in name. They are one of the oldest families in our coven and are renowned for their potions expertise. They migrated here from Ireland decades ago, and soon after created a temporary portal to keep in touch with their homeland. “Lord and Lady Armstrong, Callum, this is my daughter, Onyx.”

For my hearing alone, she says, “He’s the one for your ceremony tonight.” With that little tidbit, Mother leaves me with them to mingle with some other guests as the time for my ascension ceremony draws nearer.

“Nice to meet you,” Callum says politely, extending his hand. He has the same auburn hair and emerald eyes as his mother, but is much taller than both his parents.

I shake his hand tentatively. “A pleasure to meet you as well.”

“Your reputation precedes you.”

“Uh-oh, I hope that’s a good thing,” I say.

“Of course,” he replies. “You and your ascension are all anyone’s talking about.”

All anyone’s talking about.Ah, young virgin pussy has now become a topic for polite dinner conversation. Splendid.

Mother says I need to be on my best behavior, but fake-smiling it with people who are jazzed about watching me get fucked is draining. At least the Armstrongs are known for their hospitality and generosity, almost the complete opposite of the Youngbloods.

“Well, isn’t that marvelous?” I muster up the dregs of my winnowing patience before I embarrass my mother. “Excuse me, I see I’m needed elsewhere. I will catch up with you later.”

“Trust me, I look forward to it.”

I walk away from him, but his earnest words linger with me. I look forward to it?

My mother gestures to me, and I veer toward her. Whoever she was speaking to disappeared into the gathering crowd. She leads me into a small sitting room. A quick glance around shows it’s the staging area for the ritual.

“Is it time to change?” I ask.

“Hm?” she says absently, waving her hand toward the objects in the room. “Oh that, in a moment. Listen.”

My mother places her hands on my shoulders and peers into my eyes. Shimmering gold swirls within them and I get lost in them. The little room faded away, and we stand in the middle of a white nothingness.

Her corner of the astral plane. Her safe place. The only place of safety she knows.

She only comes here when she knows her body is safe.

The lightheaded feeling passes as I acclimate, entering her consciousness. “Mother, is this safe?”

“I have trusted guards at the door. We have little time. Are you prepared?”

The way my mother is acting, I’m guessing she’s not referring to birth control. “Anchor spells, protection spells, binding…all the spells you taught me.” My mother’s been training me for this day since my first blood. Something else is going on. “What’s the matter?”

“Your chosen bondmates. Are they prepared?”

My mother has never referred to my circle other than as casual mention here and there about power. “Yes, I guess. They know about what’s going to happen tonight, and promise to take care of me.”

Relief pours from her. “They love you.” She says that as a fact. “They will answer your call.”

“Of course. What’s going on? Have you been threatened?” The council cannot seem to stop bullying my mother. Ever since my father died, she gets at least a few proposals a week.

“Don’t worry about me. Focus on yourself now. Be on guard for anything they will throw at you.”

“So, basically par for the course?” Mother has been watching our backs and out maneuvering the petty antics of the council her entire life. “Why the sudden paranoia?”