“I’m thinking too much. Again. Turning what should be the sexiest moment of my life into a look at lonely, old, future me. I wish I could turn off my brain and just enjoy the sex I want to have with you, but I’m not wired that way. There’s all this stuff I can’t shut off, even when I’m more turned-on than I’ve ever been. So, when you’ve had enough of my messy spiderweb of thoughts and emotions, just tell me to go, and I will.”

“A spiderweb is complex, not messy. An intricate collection of individual threads with incredible strength when woven together. If you think I will find your collection of thoughts and feelings anything other than strong and captivating, you are incorrect. You are all I desire, and I desire all of you, including the parts you think I will not. I will never tell you to leave, nor will I force you to stay.”

My heart dances a pitter-patter at his beautiful words. “I won’t always be young, Raz. I’m going to grow old, get wrinkly, probably saggy, and you’ll be exactly as you are now. All I ask is that when I get too old for you to want me, let me go gently.”

“I will always want you, my sweet Dela. I was drawn to you before seeing you. You are more lovely than any creature I have laid eyes on, but it is your heart and soul I do not want to be without. When the day comes that your sunshine leaves your body and moves on to the next place, I will return to hell and ask my liege to return my essence to hellfire, so that I do not have to exist one day without you beside me, giving me life.”

How to sayI love youwithout sayingI love you.

Is it possible to love someone in such a short time? I think it is, when fate has a hand in finding the one you’re meant to love.

Turning in his arms, I place my hands on his shoulders, then resume the straddle position over his lap. “I could listen to your beautiful words forever, and I plan to, but right now, I want your mouth doing other things.”

A growl rumbles through him when I grip both his horns and slide my hands up and down. “You will keep doing that while I lick you until you come.” A firm tug on the front of my dress sends the buttons scattering, some onto the soft, yellow blanket covering the bed, some to the wooden floor. His large, warm hands cup my breasts reverently. “I wish to taste every inch of you.”

“I wish for that too.”

“It is good we are in agreement.” His lips curve up in a subtle smile, then he takes a nipple into his mouth. Hishotmouth.

It felt warmer than human when we kissed, but not hot, like it is now. His lips are like a brand on my skin. Heat ripples through me and I arch toward him, eager for more. His tongue flattens against the underside of my nipple and he begins suckling. It’s so good. Never-ever-stop-doing-that good. Desperate to get pressure on my clit, I rock forward on his lap, grinding for more contact, moaning at the spark of an impending orgasm.

He releases my nipple with a wetpop, meeting my gaze with fire in his eyes. “On my mouth, Dela. I want to feel your womanly heat pressing against my face. I want to taste your pleasure when you come.”

All I can do is nod. Nod, and slip off my dress and panties while he lies back, getting in position for what he wants—me, on his mouth. When I said I wanted his tongue between my legs, I thoughtI’dbe the one on their back. I’ve never donethisbefore. Never wanted to. Never had a man command me to press my pussy against his face until I come. Honestly, nobody has ever cared if I came.

Raz cares. My pleasure is his current number-one priority.

I wiggle my way up his body until I’m straddling his neck. He doesn’t usually breathe, but the instant I grab hold of his horns, hot air hisses from his mouth, tickling my skin like a light kiss. He grips my hips, the tips of his fingers pressing firm enough to trigger endorphins, but he doesn’t pull me higher. No. Without saying a word, I know what he wants. It’s in his eyes as he stares up at me.

On my mouth, Dela.

All it takes is one small shift, then my inner thighs are against his ears and I’m hovering above his mouth. His strong, warm hands slide over my skin, caressing every inch he can reach, which happens to be a lot of me because he’s so big. Everywhere he touches leaves a trail of tingly sparks, but when his fingers curl around my ass and he draws me down to sit on his face, I feel like I might burst into flames.

I watch his tongue slide up the front of my mound. Long and black against my fair skin, the erotic sight takes my breath away. He presses the tip against my clit, and it takes everything in me not to close my eyes. But I want to watch. He makes me want to soak in the sensation in every way possible.

My body moves involuntarily, meeting the rhythm of his tongue. Within seconds, I’m breathing hard, chasing the building spiral beneath my clit. I rock forward, gripping his horns tightly for support as I grind on his mouth.

Beneath me, he growls, the deep sound vibrating through me, pushing me to the edge. His hand slips between my legs and two long fingers slide inside me, pressing a sensitive spot inside me as he suckles my clit hard.

I snap, crying out as I writhe on him, coming until I can barely breathe. I shudder as the last wave of aftershocks ripple through me. Then his arms are around me, gently shifting me onto the bed beside him, where he strokes my hair while looking at me with a combination of adoration and desire.

“How much time do you require before I can pleasure you again?”

“You want to do that again?” Just thinking about it has my body tingling. I felt like a goddess, riding his face like that. I felt sexy and desired—truly—for the first time in my life.

“I could spend eternity devouring you. A few short minutes is not nearly enough.”

“Well, it feels like the bones in my legs melted, so a few short minutes is all I can handle in that position.”

“Then I will pleasure you in other positions,” he says, continuing to look at me after rolling onto his back again. He pats the highest part of his chest. “Sit here, then spread your legs and let them rest on my shoulders while you lie on top of me. I will draw your sweet center onto my mouth and make you come as many times as your body is able.”

My clit thinks it’s a great idea, but… “Are you sure you wantthatview?”

“You are worried that I will find your anus unappealing.”

I groan, covering my face as heat flares in my cheeks. “That’s a bit more ‘statement of fact’ than I’m ready for.”

The warmth of his hand on mine, peeling my fingers from my face, calms my racing pulse. “There is no place on your body that does not appeal to me. When I said I wish to taste every inch of you, I did mean every inch. The pleasure I would give you has no boundaries, though I will respect your desires or lack thereof.”