The light returns to her eyes. To her skin. “So… it’s okay with you if I show affection in public?”

“I welcome your touch in any location or manner you wish. And I would never tell you how to conduct yourself, not in public or in private.”

“You have no idea how much that means to me,” she says, placing her palms and chin on my chest, her face tipped up to look at mine. “I’d kiss you right now if I could.”

“Then I will make an adjustment to accommodate your desire.” I lower to one knee, bringing us face-to-face. The attention of anyone other than Dela means nothing to me. That does not mean I am unaware of it. “Everyone is watching. Many will have questions if you kiss me.”

“Let them ask.” She wraps her arms behind my neck, grips one of my horns, and presses her soft lips to my mouth.

It has only been an hour since she last kissed me, but having this contact again makes me crave more. When she breaks away, it is difficult to let her put space between us. I want the opposite. If I could, I would carry her to my cabin in the woods and keep her with me always.

“I have a question foryou,” she says, as I rise. “And I don’t want you to feel pressured to answer a certain way.”

Vengeance demons do not feel pressure from humans, though many have tried through the centuries. This is not what she needs to hear. Also, it is possible that Dela could pressure me, as she has affected me in other impossible ways. “I will answer you honestly.”

Nodding, she draws a deep breath. “Would you like to be my date for the wedding next Saturday? It’ll be here in the square, just before sunset, then there’s a drop-in reception at The Brew afterward. Open bar courtesy of Constantine, and delicious finger foods. We can make a brief appearance or stay as long as you like.”

“You need not use food or beverages as enticement. If you want me by your side, I will be there.”

“Perfect.” She weaves the fingers on one small hand with mine. “This whole day is perfect. So much so, I’m afraid I might be dreaming the whole thing.”

“You have dreamed of me before?” I say, as she leads me away, toward the shops lining one side of the square.

“Yes.” The smile on her face when she looks at me is one of a different kind. “They were good dreams too, but in a different way.”

“They were sexual dreams.”

“A bold assumption,” she nudges me with her shoulder, “but yes, they were.”

The knowledge that her sleeping hours have included sexual fantasies about us has my cock standing at the ready. “You did not fear my cock in the dreams, as you did at the waterfall?”

“I’m notactuallyafraid of it,” she says, choking back laughter. “Nervous, sure, but I was flirting when I said I may be a little afraid of it. It was flattery.”

“Humans express adulation by falsely claiming fear?”

“Sometimes? Humans are rarely as straightforward as you.” She stops in front of one of the many shops I have never entered and faces me. Smiles at me with warmth and affection. “But I’ll work on it, so my words are more accurate to my thoughts. To what I want.”

“That will make giving it to you more efficient.”

“The giving shouldn’t be one-sided, Raz. If I’m going to be direct about what I want, then you should do the same. Tell me whatyouwant.”

“I have already done so.”

“Yes, you have, but I meant it as in, specifically. You know… when the time comes that we’re alone together in private.”

“You wish to know my preferred sexual activities.”

The color rises on her cheeks again. “Yes, that would be helpful. Because you’re not human, and also, because in my last relationship, I—” She closes her eyes longer than a normal blink, drawing a deep breath.

Patience is part of my nature, yet waiting for her to continue requires conscious effort. The more I know, the better I can care for her.

She exhales slowly, then meets my gaze again. “I wasn’t good in the sex department, and my ex was human. If I couldn’t get it right with someone in my species…” Her next exhalation is a sigh, her shoulders visibly dropping. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

“That is impossible.” I have much to learn about interpreting her expressions and reactions, but my declaration does not appear to assure her. “Tell me why the smile has not returned to your face.”

“There’s a question in my head, and I want to ask it, but I’m not sure I want to hear the answer.”

“Humans are a very conflicted species.”