It did not take as long as expected for my cock to lose its rigidity. Without Dela’s presence to consume my mind, wishes for revenge bombarded me. I heard none during the hours spent in her company. After eons of constant inundation, I should have noticed the lull.

These wishes are my reason for being. I have ignored the voices before, but only briefly. Since the day I was drawn to the coffee shop, the first time I saw Dela, I have been more selective of the revenge I fulfill. Weighing the validity of wishes, considering the consequences to all involved—actions I am not meant to take. My liege requires souls in his realm, and delivering as many as possible is my duty.

Yet, I have not done so in the past seven months. I have satisfied enough vengeful wishes that I have not been recalled to hell. But I have contracted no souls today. Meeting Dela and sharing more time with her is my priority. My duties as a vengeance demon will wait.

Despite having the faster method of travel, Dela is not in sight when I read our agreed-upon meeting place in town. The central downtown square is more populated than the times I have passed it on my way to Dela’s workplace. Most days, there are two or three residents present, sitting on the immaculate parkette’s benches or on the edge of the decorative, bubbling fountain.

Today, there are over a dozen people crowding the area. Though I rarely interact with the other residents of Fate’s Falls, I recognize most who are in attendance. Normally, I would not spend more time on people than it takes to be aware of my surroundings. But two romantic pairings hold my attention.

Dakgorim, the orc who built many of the structures in Fate’s Falls, including my cabin, stands at the bottom of five stairs leading to a raised gazebo. Behind him, and a couple of steps up, a human female has her arms wrapped around the sizable orc. The smile she wears never falters. Her chin rests on his shoulder and she presses kisses to his cheek at regular intervals. Much like me, orcs are not given to smiling, as humans do. But his affection is obvious, nonetheless. One of the orc’s large hands spans both her forearms, his fingers curled possessively around them.

The Minotaur who employs Dela stands a couple of feet from the orc. At Constantine’s side, a human woman is tucked under one of the Minotaur’s thick arms. His substantially sized hand rests near the top of her breast, with her much smaller one absentmindedly stroking his fingers. Like the female hugging Dakgorim, the woman with Constantine appears happy and comfortable.

The orc and the Minotaur share similar stature with me. Their women are significantly smaller, much like Dela. I have anatomical knowledge of all sentient species in this realm. Like mine, orc and Minotaur cocks are double, if not more, than those of human males. Perhaps Dakgorim and Constantine are abstaining from sexual penetration with their women.

“Hi, I’m here, finally.” Dela’s voice at my back pulls my attention from the gathering near the gazebo. “I always call my mother on Saturday mornings. I did that when I got home to drop off my car because I didn’t want her to worry, and the conversation ran longer than usual. Sorry I kept you waiting.”

“An apology for dedication to those you care about is unnecessary,” I say, when she reaches my side. “And you are worth any wait.” The vengeful wishes retreat to the back of my mind, and, yet again, my cock tests the confines of my pants. As it does every time she is in view, and more so, now that I have tasted her mouth and felt her softness against me.

She slips her hand against mine, smiling when I fold my fingers to encompass all of hers. This lovely creature is not only touching me, she is doing so where anyone may see.

I did not think it possible for her to desire my company. My touch. My kiss. Nor did I think my response possible. These sensations of lightness, anticipation, and contentment. Never have I experienced any of the three. To have them all at once, woven together inside me, should be concerning enough to have me returning to hell for guidance. For extermination. But I do not wish them gone, these emotional responses. Only for them to grow stronger. With her.

“They must be going over the plans for Dak and Rosetta’s wedding in the square next weekend.” She nods toward the assembly of creatures socializing near the gazebo. “Are you going?”

“I have no knowledge of a wedding.”

“Oh. I noticed you watching them; you were staring at them the whole time I was coming up the street. I thought you must be friends with Dak or Constantine, or both.”

“Vengeance demons do not have friends.”

“You know, I’ve heard a lot about what vengeance demons don’t do and don’t have, but… it seems like you’re at a place in life where you’re ready for some changes.”

“Vengeance demons do not—” I snap my mouth closed. “You are correct.”

“Do you mean that?” she asks, then immediately holds up her other hand. “I already know the ‘statement of fact’ answer—vengeance demons do not lie. What I mean is, how do you feel about the changes?”

“I would tell you that vengeance demons do not feel things, that we are not burdened by emotions, and until recently, the statement would have been true. I have no explanation for this change you brought about, but this is the first day of my existence when I understand what it means to be happy. And if that is a burden, it is one I wish to continue bearing.”

Dela always shines, but as she wraps her arms around me, the light within her practically glows. The top of her head barely reaches my chest. Despite my higher-than-human body temperature, the warmth of her cheek pressed against me seeps into my skin. She, too, is happy. And I am part of her happiness.

The people looking at us are unaware of this new mutual state. Their straight-faced expressions and narrowed gazes indicate concern. A hell-born demon who has lived among them for two years, yet had minimal interaction with anyone, is embracing a gentle, pure, human female. Their concern is understandable.

“I’m sorry,” she says, easing back from me. “I shouldn’t have thrown myself at you in public. Not without discussing the boundaries of our relationship. I shouldn’t even assume that’s what it is. I’m doing it again.”

“Doing what?”

In front of me, she twists her hands together, her lips losing their pretty smile. “Wanting something to be a certain way so much, I convince myself that itisthat way, even if it means ignoring signs to the contrary.”

“Though I speak every language in this realm and in hell, I do not understand ambiguousness.”

She sighs. “After the time we spent together at the waterfall, I thought… I thought it was the beginning of something between us. A relationship. Then I felt you tense up while I was hugging you, and I realized I had overstepped, made assumptions about what you want.”

“Assumption is unnecessary. I have been direct with you, and I will continue to be, as that is what I know. I desire to be with you in all ways that please you. That will not change. Only at your request will I leave you. The increased muscular tightness you sensed occurred because others were observing our embrace. I noted the apprehension on their faces. I am vengeance, a creature created for darkness, and you are sunshine. We do not belong together.”

The tension in her expression and posture fades, but the smile does not return to her face. “Is that what you really think? That we don’t belong together?”

“Yes. But it is not how Ifeel, my sweet Dela.”