I knew it! The butterflies in my stomachweren’twrong. “You were asking me on a date?”

“That is the current human term.” The permanently serious, more-than-a-little intimidating hell demon is the eight-foot-tall-plus-horns embodiment of adorable.

“This human would have said yes if you’d asked directly. And since we’re admitting things, the physiological responses you noticed weren’t negative. Surprise first, but also excitement.” I snuggle in closer, watching the glow in his eyes flicker as I slide my hand higher up the horn I’m holding. Interesting. Something to revisit later, when I’m feeling braver. “I’ve been attracted to you for months, since the first time I saw you, but wasn’t sure I should act on it.”

“Because I am a demon.”

I shake my head. “Because the last time I was drawn to someone, he turned out to be a monster in the most sinister sense.”

“Is he responsible for the malice you mentioned?”


Again, Raz’s grip on me tightens. “Vengeance is my purpose; I hold no stake in the transactions. But this is…personal. Whatever retribution is due, I will take pleasure meting it out.”

A shiver ripples through me as images of Raz physically destroying Doug flood my mind. Flaying him. Setting him on fire. Things I’ve never imagined, never considered. Now, any one of them could become a reality. “Do you know what I’m thinking now?”

“No. I will only hear if you seek vengeance.”

“I don’t want vengeance. If one of the things that just flashed in my mind happens to leak out, it’s an accident—I don’t want you to act on it. As horrible as he was to me, I don’t want you to do anything, okay?” When Raz’s response is to clench his jaw and stare a hole through me, I place one hand on his cheek and give him the best smile I can call up with all this heavy stuff going through my head. “Believe me when I say that by living, I’m personally meting out the best possible revenge.”

“Your life is a precious gift.”

“Help me make the most of it by taking me up the escarpment for that special view of the waterfall,” I say, sliding my hand to the back of his neck for the firm hold he advised. “And after that, I’m free all day, if you want to continue our date…”

“This is a date?”

The smile on my face now is as big and real as they come. “I kissed you, and you kissed me back. Unless you turn away or tell me I have bad breath, there’s going to be more kissing at the top of the waterfall. So, yes, Raz, this is a date.”

“Your breath is the sweetest thing I have tasted.” His lips curve up—not a lot, but enough to label it a smile. “So far.”

Did he just flirt with me? I think he did. But it’s Raz, so maybe not? “Are you talking about food or drinks we might have later?”

His mouth returns to its standard, straight line. “No.”

“Good,” I say, as heat floods my cheeks and butterflies take flight in my stomach.

“I can be specific to prevent confusion.”

I choke on a laugh, then let it run free, giggling against his warm skin. “Let’s save that for the next date.”

* * *


I do not possess a heart.My liege created me to fulfill a singular purpose, and did not burden me with unnecessary physical attributes.

This morning spent with Dela confirms I do not require a beating heart to experience emotions. Sensations that sparked inside me the moment I looked upon her face seven months ago, and have grown every time since. There is more to my attraction than a desire to enjoy the pleasure of her soft flesh connected with mine. I care about her. For her.

Emotions are humans’ greatest weakness, the reason I am able to contract their souls to my liege’s hell realm. They are ruled by their feelings. I have never wished to experience life as they do. I could not, as wishing is an emotional response.

Now, with Dela, I am filled with wishes. How, after eons, did this single, fragile human elicit changes to the very makeup of my being? I have no directive to follow for such an occurrence. No knowledge of how to repair what has broken inside me.

Knowing I should not be this way does not motivate me to seek a solution. I would sooner cease to exist than be rid of these feelings. An irony, as that is the precise thing I had determined to do before she found me at the waterfall.

As I instructed her to do, she clung tightly to me while I climbed the rough escarpment to reach the crest of the waterfall. Having her soft body pressed close to mine and her hand wrapped around my horn were too strong a stimulation to ignore, and my cock remained hard throughout the trek. Releasing her did little to assuage the condition. The moment I returned her feet to the ground, she took my hand, and did not let go for a single second. It is difficult to keep my arousal under control in her presence. Seemingly impossible while we are in direct contact.

Dela drove to the woods this morning. My height prohibits me from riding in any vehicle with a closed top, and Dela’s is exceptionally small. After another kiss that left me aching for further exploration of her body, she moved to her car, waved from inside, then left me to walk to town. An action which caused her guilt until I assured her I am incapable of experiencing pain or fatigue. I did not tell her the solitary journey would be a reprieve, an opportunity for my cock to stand down. I have no expectation of sexual contact with my sweet Dela, and she does not need to know the full extent of my desire.