“I hope notalways…” Her tone is breathy, her pupils dilating beneath rapidly fluttering eyelashes.

“You have only to wish for it. There is nothing I would deny you, but anything other than revenge, you must express aloud.”

“I will, I want to, but… I need you to know that when I tell you I’m ready for…things, it’s not because I’m curious about having sex with a non-human, it’s about you. And I trust you, but I’m not sure I trust myself yet.”

“I have eternity to wait for you, my sunshine, and so I will. There is no other creature in this realm or any other who could prevent me from doing so.”

“You won’t have to wait that long.”

I suppress a groan when she slides one hand over the back of my head, up to my right horn, then curls her fingers around it. Though her hands are small and her touch light, the sensation stokes the fire within me in a way no other being has. “Do you feel secure?”

“More than I ever have before,” she says, then presses her lips to mine.


I’m kissing a demon.Four words I never in my life expected to string together.

Raz’s body tenses as I press my lips to his, and for a second, I almost pull back and apologize. Muscle memory is a long-lasting bitch.

Then his grip on me tightens, and the blunt ends of his dark fingernails press firmly against my leg. Not enough to hurt me—I know he’d never allow that to happen. Just enough that I feel his reaction to the kiss. To me.

Past me can go to hell because present me isn’t pulling back from kissing my demon.

He doesn’t take control of the kiss, just goes with it, following my lead and giving back in equal measure. I lean in closer, parting my lips and touching the tip of my tongue to his. The inhuman sound he makes vibrates through me, and it’s hot—literally hot. My entire body heats as if I’m too close to a fire. Only, the fire is Raz, and all I want is to get closer. To slip my dress off my shoulders and feel his heat directly against my breasts. His arm is firm and warm beneath me, his hand positioned so close to where I want it. If I arched my back and opened my thighs a little, would he take the signal and slide his fingers between my legs?

No, he wouldn’t. And I’m not ready to tell him what I want. I won’t put him in a position where he has to choose between breaking his word or rejecting me. I’m not sure I’d emotionally survive either thing.

I ease back from the kiss until a hair’s breadth separates our mouths. “I haven’t kissed anyone that way in a very long time.”

“I have not kissed anyone.”

“Ever?” I ask, pulling back more, enough to see his full face.

“That is correct.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Vengeance demons do not tell jokes.”

“It’s an expression, a colloquialism.” I bite the inside of my cheek so I don’t let my smile become a laugh. “It means ‘you can’t be serious.’”

“Vengeance demons are always serious.”

A small laugh slips free, but only a quick one that tapers into a sigh.

His strong brow descends over demon-serious eyes. “I frustrate you.”

“Sometimes, yes. But not right now. In this moment, I’m thoroughly enjoying how‘you’you are.”

Raz’s stoic facial expression isn’t prone to much variation, and this moment is no exception. “I am incapable of being anything else,” he says, looking into my eyes with unflinching intensity.

“I like you the way you are, Raz. Steady, direct, consistent, honest. I need those things in my life.”

For the briefest moment, his eyes flicker with something unfamiliar. “I wish to be everything you need. For that reason, I must inform you of inaccurate information I gave yesterday at your workplace.”

A knot forms in my stomach at the thought of him lying to me. I can’t be with someone who’d deceive me. Not even casually.

“After stating my desire to buy you a beverage at a time outside of your working hours, I told you I wished to return your friendly gesture, to maintain balance. While those things were true, they were not the full reason. I wanted to share personal time with you. Your physiological responses indicated discomfort, so I focused on the aspects you would find tolerable.”