“You fear my cock.”

A sputtered laugh rises from her lips, and her cheeks bloom with fresh color.

“It is a reasonable fear. I am much larger than any human male, and you, my sweet Dela, are so very soft and small.”

“If that’s meant to scare me off, it’s not working,” she says, moistening her lips as she moves closer. “Kind of the opposite.”

“Your reaction is not uncommon. Throughout time, many humans have expressed curiosity about fornication.”

The glow leaves her face, deep creases forming at the bridge of her nose as she steps away from me. “It was you referring to me as ‘my sweet Dela’ that made me feel… never mind.” She makes a throaty noise that matches the cloudy expression she wears. “This soft, small human isn’t interested infornicatingwith you or anyone.”

“My words were merely a statement of fact. It does not matter to me if you wish to discover how much of my cock fits inside you, or if you have chosen a life of celibacy. You affect me beyond carnality, my sweet Dela.”

She crosses her arms over breasts that make my fingers flex with the urge to touch. “Did you say ‘my sweet Dela’ again so I wouldn’t be angry at you?”

“Manipulation is never my intention. Not with anyone, but above all others, not with you.”

“Then I accept your apology,” she says, the tension leaving her posture as she lets her arms fall to her side.

“I did not apologize.”

“Yes, you did.” Her lips curve into a full smile as she looks up at me. “In your unique way, which I appreciate.”

“I am glad to have pleased you so the smile could return to your face.” I may never know the sensation of her mouth against me, but I can no longer resist touching her lips. Gently cradling her chin in my hand, I trace the lines of her mouth. The upward curve of her full bottom lip. The peaks and dipping valley of her upper lip. “Your smile puts the sunshine to shame.”

“That’s beautiful.” The softness in her eyes gives way to twinkling amusement. “Not very ‘statement of fact,’ but beautiful.”

“It is factual to me. I always see sunshine when I look at you.” I step back before taking an action she will not forgive as easily as my direct manner of communication. “Let us return to the reason you are here. The literal sun of this realm has risen fully, and you are likely to be safe from wildlife. Still, I will wait nearby while you look at the waterfall.”

“You could look at it with me if you want. I’m enjoying this time with you.” Once again, her cheeks flood with rich color. “Or I can leave now, rather than make you wait around. I’m sure you have other things to do.”

“Nothing I would choose before you.”

“For a demon who barely wanted to grumble his coffee order to me for the past seven months, you’re pretty good with words.” She brushes her hand against mine, weaves our fingers together, then smiles so beautifully, she renders me speechless.

If I cannot provide a verbal response worthy of this gift, I will show her.

She shrieks when I scoop her off the ground with a single arm. “What are you doing?”

“Giving you a view of the waterfall it is unlikely you have seen.”

The light fabric of her summer dress does little to mask all her soft, womanly curves. Her breast presses against my chest, her rounded hips and ass against my arm where she’s perched. The toes of her cloth shoes graze my abdomen, and her hands have a tentative placement on my shoulder and chest.

My cock is hard again, straining to be free of the pants. To be inside my sweet Dela, a place it will never be. I will gladly live with perpetual, unsated desire if it allows me to have her close. “The climb is not smooth, but I will keep you safe.”

“The climb? We’re going to the top of the waterfall?” The excitement in her voice is like music.

“Yes. You should hold on to me. Firmly.”

Twining her arms behind my neck brings her lush body tighter against me and her lips within inches of mine. “Is this okay?”

Kissing is a behavior I have not experienced, nor desired, before this woman. Dela’s mouth has consumed my thoughts since the first time I saw her, and I have to fight the urge to know how it would feel against mine.

“The ascent is steep and rocky. Your current grip may not be adequate. Do not hesitate to hold my neck, head, or horns directly.”

“Are you sure?”

“I will not lie; your hands on my skin and horns will give me pleasure. But that is not why I suggested you hold me in those places, and I will always contain my desire for you.”