“If you can accept the actions he takes within the code of his existence, then, yes, he’s one of the good ones.”

“Would you accept them?”

Shay waves her index finger. “That’s two questions, and the answer is irrelevant, anyway. Raz doesn’t come to The Brew for me. He comes here for you.”

“He comes for the coffee,” I say as she walks to the door.

Stopping in the staffroom doorway, she looks over her shoulder at me, a coy smile on her face. “He’s lived in Fate’s Falls for two years, but he never set foot in The Brew until you got here.”


“Maybe.” She winks. “Or maybe it’s fate.”


My dwellingon the outskirts of Fate’s Falls is equipped with all the amenities of this era, including running water. The standing-room-only shower lacks pressure, but I have become accustomed to its convenience. Sometimes, I make use of the natural water near my cabin. A place where I am not confined, and the water does more than cleanse my exterior.

Today is one of those times. I crave the power of thundering water against my skin, so I cut through the woods surrounding my cabin until I reach the small clearing with its ninety-five-foot-high waterfall. The moon and sun are exchanging possession of the sky, bathing the crest in a pale, pre-dawn light. I will be back in the privacy of my cabin before the sun has fully risen.

After divesting myself of my pants, I stride into the river. The cool water laps against my skin, only reaching mid-thigh level in the bubbling pool at the base of the falls. I stand beneath the plunge, eyes closed, letting the turbulent water crash over me, pummeling my skin, roaring in my ears. Yet it does not clear my mind. Dela remains there, where she has been since our interaction in the coffee shop yesterday.

During that visit, she did not just serve my beverage. At her initiation, we conversed. She spoke to me with humor. She smiled for me, not merely at me, in the obligatory manner employees must with customers. She offered genuine kindness. These things linger in my thoughts, but above them all, the lovely color of her skin when she blushed.

In turn, I insulted her and made her uncomfortable. Even if I had not behaved in that manner, her demeanor toward me will never extend beyond friendless. Wanting more is foolish and futile.

If the pounding water will not beat the yearning from me, I will find another source. I could ask one of my hell-born brethren in the other realm to torture me. There would be no question of why—inflicting such measures is their purpose. But that would be physical pain without meaning. A personal element is required for this to succeed. I need a punisher with motivation to rid me of my desire for Dela.

Her employer may be useful for this purpose. The well-respected Minotaur has looked out for Dela since she arrived in Fate’s Falls. I will speak to him today and divulge the unbecoming thoughts I have about Dela. Given the Minotaur’s protective nature, my admission may entice Constantine to use his significant bulk to deploy force against me. Certainly, he will forbid me to visit his coffee establishment again. If all else fails, I will leave town. Return to hell, where I belong.

The thought of never seeing Dela again rips through me like a jagged blade, and I roar loud enough to drown out the pounding rush of the falls crashing around me. Enough of this.

I step forward, opening my eyes as I exit the curtain of water and halt immediately.

Dela stands at the water’s edge. The sun’s morning rays wrap around lovely, soft form. Her full lips are parted, her wide-eyed gazing bouncing between my face and my exposed body—including my cock. The tip is hidden beneath the water, but only momentarily. The sight of her is enough to harden my shaft. Having her attention on me causes it to rise above the water’s surface with zeal, giving her a full and clear view of the flared, spade-shaped head.

“Why are you here?” I speak loud enough to project my question over the din of the water.

“I… I came to look at the waterfall.” The tilt of her chin and the degree to which her mouth opens indicate she is also attempting to be heard.

My hearing is superior to any human’s. She could have whispered and I would have understood every word. I have no need to move closer, yet I do. I cannot stop my legs from striding toward her, just as I cannot will my cock to return to its slack position.

Any other human would have fled. If not the moment they saw a demon standing beneath a waterfall, most certainly when the demon’s cock rose at the sight of them.

Dela does not run. Does not flinch when I step out of the water and stand before her—unclothed and undeniably aroused.

“Do you want to put your pants on?” she asks, glancing at the garment I discarded.

“Demons do not feel modesty.”

Her gaze once again drops to my cock, her skin taking on an appealing red hue when she tips her head up to meet my eyes again. “That’s… yes, well… um…” The air temperature is not hot by human standards, yet she wipes her palm over her forehead and exhales. “Wouldyou put your pants on? It’s hard—” a small strangled sound rises from her lips, “it’sdifficultto concentrate while you’re naked.”

“I do not find it difficult.”

“For me. It’s difficultfor me. Your…” She gestures in the vicinity of my cock while looking off toward the waterfall behind me. “Yourpartsare hard—difficult—to ignore.”

“I will cover myself. Then I will escort you out of the woods. It is not safe for you to be out here alone.”

Her eyes meet mine again. “Why not?” she asks, her gaze trailing me as I move to gather my pants. “This area is still within the town limits. The no-harm rule protects me.”