“I did wonder about that. Not many humans are immune to fire. What are you?”

“Oh, I’m mostly human,” I say. “But I’m descended from a fire god. That comes with a few perks, including immunity to burns.”

He nods thoughtfully, but another question occurs to me. “Not to be indelicate,” I say, “but bursting into flames inside a woman whoisn’tfire tolerant seems like it would be a buzzkill. The intense pain and the rush to the hospital, all that. I guess it puts a damper on dating, huh?”

“To be honest, it’s never happened before. Even in the, uh, throes of passion, you might say, I’ve always been able to maintain my human form. You’re the first woman I’ve ever lost that control with. And unfortunately, it seems to have burned up the condom.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Should I be honored or concerned? I’m on birth control and regularly tested,” I add.

He chuckles and slides a head behind his arm, leaning back. “I don’t know. Maybe both. I’m mostly immune to human diseases, but I get tested too. All good. And imagine my relief when you didn’t scream in agony and accuse me of torture.”

“No, there was no agony,” I say with a grin. “And torture can be fun when it’s done right, as I’m sure we both know.”

He groans. “Where have you been all my life, woman?”

“Mostly in Haven’s Hollow. A little town a few hours from here with a very interesting population.”

“Right, about that. Did you say your friend was married to a troll?”

“I did, indeed. And she couldn’t be happier. Not all that is monstrous is a monster. Or something.”

“Amen to that.”

I roll on my side and cuddle closer, trailing my fingers over his delightfully sculpted abs. I didn’t have much of a chance to ogle him earlier, but I’m pleased to find him long, lean, and sculpted. “Any chance you can stay the night?” I ask.

“Do you want me to?”

I nod. “If it’s cool with you, yeah. Who knows, we might wake up in the middle of the night and feel the need to do filthy things all over again.”

He laughs. “If there’s one thing I can be sure of, it’s that spending the night next to you, all luscious and naked, will have me demanding at least one more round.”

“Fine by me. I’m happy to take whatever you can dish out.”

His sandy brow shoots up. “Be careful what you wish for. I can dish out an awful lot.”

I meet his gaze with a challenge in my own. “And I promise, I can take it. I’ve yet to meet a man who could handle my full range of desires.”

“My god, could you be a more perfect woman? I’d love nothing more than a month locked in a bedroom with you and my complete array of toys and tools. Oh, the ways I would make you come. You’d be constantly wet, endlessly begging for it, knees shaky from all the orgasms.”

I hum at the thought. “And I’d keep you on your toes, forcing you to be creative, keeping you hard until it hurt and those feathery balls of yours turned blue.”

“Well, we might not have a month, but we have tonight,” he says, sliding a hand between my legs. I laugh, then gasp, then get lost in the sensations all over again.


I am notwhat anyone would call a morning person. I hate waking up, hate getting out of bed. I love fashion, but the appeal of spending all day in my silk pajamas isn’t lost on me. Still, when the early beams of light peek through the window, I force my eyes open.

It’s immediately obvious that I’m alone in bed. I prop myself up, looking around. “Fiero?”

I hear water running, and a moment later, he emerges from the bathroom. Fully dressed. How disappointing. But maybe I can lure him back to bed. “Do you want to stay for breakfast? I can have something sent up.”

“I’d love to. Truly. But I’m afraid I can’t. I have pressing business.”

Damn. I could have gone another round or three. Oh, well. Them’s the breaks.

“I don’t suppose you’re available tonight? I leave town tomorrow.”

He shakes his head. “I’m genuinely sorry. Believe me, I’d like nothing better. But duty calls.”