Nonsensical and fantastical

My body isheavy with an indelible gratification. Not wanting to wake from this dream, I nestle deeper into a sweltering heat that feels comforting instead of oppressive. A flickering glow lures me closer to consciousness though, and I open my eyes to a blazing fire. Startled, I jerk upright, causing a large wall to stir at my back. Cassius is wrapped completely around me.

Cassius thedragon.I wait for the fear to take over but it doesn’t come.

It wasn’t a dream. I had my brains properly fucked out by a dragon…man.

“Cassius?” I whisper. The only response is a grunt and his massive claw pulling me in closer. “Cassius?” I try again, this time laying my hand against the side of his head. One large eye opens so slowly, I hold my breath. He says nothing, fixing that swirling molten iris on me.

“Everything’s on fire…” I tell him, breathing out.

“Mmm, so it is.” He replies casually. His lack of concern erases some of mine but it doesn’t settle it completely. Unease creeps in, there is something unnerving about it. It’s not acting like a fire should. It’s…quiet, and rooted.

“Cassius, where did the fire come from?” I ask, shifting my gaze towards the preternatural flames encircling us. He doesn’t answer right away. Just as slowly as before, his other eye opens.

Raising his head, my hand slips down to rest against his neck. He regards the flames with a strange sense of pride and…awe?

“There is a great many things we need to talk about, Aurelia.” He states and I can’t help the laugh that bursts out. His glance is apologetic but also adoring before returning to the fire.

“Youare the fire. We are bound, you and I, in a way that surpasses human comprehension. The longer a dragon lives without their flame, the more stagnant their existence becomes. I had given up hope…” I rest my head against his neck, not daring to interrupt. There was pain in that confession and a desperation I understood.

“I feel your worry, and I wish to remove it, but there is no going back. You are seared into the very essence of me. I will not, can not, be parted from you. Without you, there is no fire, only a bleak fate.”

There have not been words of love, or flowery promises given, and it would be foolish to seek out such a declaration after mere hours. I cannot deny the inexplicable connection. I was drawn to him immediately, even before the lust took over—that, too, at a mystifying potency.

“Cassius, I know the futility of fighting this, and I don't want to,” the tension in his body gives way as I continue. “But my reality has been upended, and in order to embrace this new one you are going to have to be patient with me.”

His head dips, brushing his snout against my cheek and I place a light kiss on the roughened skin of his jaw. The air wavers around him just before I feel the push and pull of the debilitating pressure that I recall accompanies him shifting. I shuffle away from him, curling in on myself and wait for the explosive pain.

A gentle caress travels along my skin instead. Opening my eyes, I'm met with a rush of exhilaration as the man who detonated my body with pleasure peers down at me. A look of pure elation across his features fans the fluttering flames of attraction and affection inside me.Yeah, there's no going back.He draws me into his arms, that salacious tail of his coiling up my bare leg as he just holds me.

Speaking into the warmth of his chest, I voice a few more worrying thoughts, "We…I cannot remain secluded away inside a mountain, no matter how idyllic it feels, Cassius." I lift my head, running my fingertips over the scales strewn about his skin, smiling at the not-so-subtle strokes of his tail at my back.

"I know," he concedes, "I will take you back?—"

I tense in his arms, "I don't want?—"

"Iknowyou do not. Did I not tell you we won't be parted?" He reaches up to my face, brushing a few loose strands of hair away. Wrapping his hand around the back of my neck, his hold is firm, reassuring, "I will take you back so that you can attend to whatever it is you need while I reacquaint myself with humanity. It's been…an exceedingly long time and I fear I must askyoufor patience as well."

The fire still burning around us flares when I smile up at him. It's nonsensical, and fantastical, but it feels right,hefeels right.

Burn forever, for me

The gnawinghollowness that had rendered me lifeless has been consumed by the fire ofmihi unum verum flamma,my one and only flame.

What I feel for Aurelia eclipses any meager definition of love. It is raw and wild and infinite. There are many obstacles that, despite the intrinsic bond between us, we will need to overcome in order to revel in the blissful contentment we both crave.

With time, and patience from us both, all her questions, her doubts will be erased, and that glow of hers will burn forever, for me.

About the Author

Rebel Moxie is a loud pseudonym for someone who doesn't enjoy a lot of attention.Incandescentis their quiet debut, and like Aurelia, they have always loved the nonsensical and fantastical.

Rebel may shy away from social media, but you are welcome to follow them anyway on Instagram.
