There was some confusion when he set me down after I asked for his name, something to call him. Perhaps I crossed some kind of imaginary line, or maybe he just didn’t have a name, but then those enormous wings folded around him and there was a sudden, excruciating pressure in the air that brought me, literally, to my knees. It caused my skin to feel too tight, and my skull too small for my brain. Once the pressure began to recede, standing before me was not some ginormous human-snatching dragon, but a…human? No, not human, but very certainly male by the dragon-sized dick hanging between his legs.

“Can you please put something on?” I wave a hand at his now human-ish body, and I know my cheeks flush, realizing I had been staring a bit too hard at him.

He looks down and the side of his mouth lifts, “Are you the modest type, Aurelia?”

Now it’s my turn to scoff, “Hardly.” I throw his own response back at him and force myself to look him directly in the eyes to avoid anymore unnecessary ogling. He chuckles,chuckles!,then glances as if looking for something. There are a few darkened piles littered about, of what I am almost afraid to ask. He seemingly finds what he needs and moves to grab at one of the piles.

“Cassius.” He says, shaking out a tattered pair of pants and pulling them up to his waist. His eyes level on mine. They are less animalistic but every bit as predatory and still molten at their core. He steps forward and my base instincts roar back to life after being shocked into silence when we took flight. I need to run from him but also run to him. I'm confused, and disoriented. Everything that's happened since I pulled over to the side of the road feels like a nonsensical dream, but as a hand with claws still intact and a smattering of those crimson scales comes up to cup my cheek, I lean into it without hesitation. An appreciative rumble escapes his chest at my movement.

“Aurelia,mihi unum verum flamma.” He pulls me in against his still bare chest, dipping his head to the curve of my neck, and inhales deeply, groaning on an exhale. My hands brace against him, pushing back softly. I try to collect the puddle I'm becoming and regain a sense or two. His presence, especially in this new body, is muddling my head and I have far too many questions if I'm to accept this fantasy as a new reality.

“Hold on,” I put a bit more strength into pushing him back, while something curls around my calf, snaking its way up higher and making me lose my train of thought, “Now just wait a minute, you’re too close?—”

“Not close enough,” he growls, dropping his hand from my cheek and drawing me into an inextricable embrace. Trapped against him once again, the only consolation this time is my feet are on the ground.

“Cassius.” I whisper his name into his chest, testing it on my tongue. His arms tighten, at the same time the tip of nose is at my throat, inhaling, then running along my galloping pulse. A very unmistakable hardness between us presses against me, and if I don’t shake off this increasingly lusty haze taking over any semblance of rational thinking, I will be splayed out on the dirt begging him to fuck me into oblivion.Rational thinking is overrated anyway, Lia.

Overwhelmed, I let my thoughts stagger out in an unbridled stream of dialog, “I don’t understand what is going on here…I just wanted to run away, not forever but just long enough to clear my head, just long enough to get a foot out of the abyss that threatens to swallow me every day I open my eyes and now here I am…” I breathe in deep, his scent—the rich smokiness that saturates everything—is blistering the air around us.

“Here I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that dragons are real, that one has all but kidnapped me and taken me to his…” I trail off again, pausing to glance around, “His cave. Where he then mighty-morphed into some stupidly sexy, naked dragon-man who says things that would make anyone feel some type of way.” I drop my forehead to his chest. “It’s all very unsettling.”

You keep saying that, what does it mean?

I don’t speakas she lets her mind empty. I was careless, forgetting again the disparity between the ancients and humans. In my haste to possess the veritable missing piece of my existence, I continued to ignore her distress in favor of her swift submission.

My name on Aurelia's lips had need rushing through me, hardening my cock with an ache to be buried inside herin aeternum,forever.The profound longing to bind our cores, to bring about the fire only our two souls can ignite.

“Mihi unum verum flamma…” I breathe into her hair.

“You keep saying that, what does it mean?”

Relaxing my hold on her, I use a blunted claw to gingerly lift her head so that I can look into her eyes. To watch them take in what I'm about to tell her. “I am incomplete without you, and you, I suspect, have never felt whole. You glimmer, even now, with my flame inside you, compelling me to claim.” Her eyes widen, and her heart, already rapidly beating, accelerates.

"You are irrefutably mine, as much as I am yours." I stroke her cheek, and cup it once more, rewarded immediately by a near imperceptible sigh of pleasure that cuts through my faltering restraint.

My mouth slams into hers, devouring her with a voracious hunger, centuries starved. Sliding my claws up into her hair, I grab hold, causing a whimper to escape her lips, which I greedily swallow. My tail coiled around her leg, slips between her thighs, the tapered end seeks out her heat—frustratingly covered by a layer of cloth—begging for entrance. My claws slice through the flimsy garment hiding her body from me. Catching one of her heavy breasts in my palm, I tease the hardening peak with my tongue before sweeping it back up to her mouth. Her flesh; a beguiling softness, is so out of place in the cold, hard darkness of my lair.

A timid touch of her hands at my sides, grazing the scales dispersed across my skin has my body thrumming. I plunge my tongue in and out of her mouth, while sucking hers into mine, coveting every bit of warmth within her.

Slipping inside the last bit of cloth covering her, I feel her forcibly tremble when the tip of my tail swipes through her slick folds. She weakly pushes against me at the same time I swallow another whimper. I relent, and step back, if only to give her a moment to catch her breath before I consume her entirely.

Coated in her wetness, I bring the tip of my tail to my lips and lick.

An onslaught of panic and desire

I struggle to remain standing,dizzy and panting from the carnal assault on my senses. It’s not everyday one gets tongue-fucked down their throat by a dragon and, alarmingly, wants more. When his tongue darts out to lick at the wetness coating his tail, I nearly collapse on a moan. There is no logical explanation for how badly I want to climb up this man and impale myself on him. My head is drowning in lust, my clit throbbing with need, and my pussy clenches, affronted by the unfilled vacancy.

Awareness seeps into my peripheral as a light breeze brushes at my back. Shivering, I quickly try to cover myself, glancing at the destroyed dress in ribbons at my feet, and try to force down the frenzied libido taking over all common-sense.

Gathering myself, I peer up at Cassius, who is staring at me with such scorching intensity when another cool breeze hits my bare back and I shiver harder. He makes a move forward, for all the ravenous desire emanating from him, looks somewhat displeased.

“Do not cover yourself from me,” he growls.

I throw out my hand, keeping one across my chest. “It's cold!” I blurt out. Relief washes over me when he doesn't take another step. Despite that, the displeasure in his eyes increases, but seems to be directed inward as if he's upset with himself.

I’m unable to surrender completely to the dragon induced fever until I can make some sense of what is going on, while also wanting to erase that look of self-reproach from his face.

“You… you said I glimmer?”