Aubrey peered from around my shoulder. “Yes, Rosie?”

“AL.X will be training with you and will share your workroom until we are able to prepare one of his own. As a reminder, you should be wearing proper safety gear at all times. And any personal relations should be kept to breaks and after hours.”

“You got it!” Aubrey squeaked. This time I couldn’t contain my laughter. Rosie let out a small chuckle herself, and Aubrey smacked my back in embarrassment.

“I’ll leave you to it, then.”

Rosie’s shoes clacked along the floor as she left. I turned to face Aubrey as the sound receded, alone once again.

She grinned and threw her arms around my neck. I pulled her into me, looping my arms around her to scoop her up so that our faces were level. Her soft stomach pressed against my chest plates as she leaned in to press a kiss to my lips.

I deepened the kiss, tongue delving into her mouth. I would never get enough of this human. Even now, I wanted more of her. Her body, her mind, her time.

“I guess we’re neighbors now.” I shrugged, pressing her into me with the movement.

“And colleagues.”

“And lovers?” I couldn’t help the hopeful lift to the question. I wanted more, so much more, but I would never pressure her. She and I had fucked like we would never have another opportunity, but that didn’t mean she wanted one now that it was available.

“I’d like that.” Her eyes filled with joy, her voice soft.

“Me, too.”

“Well,” she said, wiggling in my arms until I put her down. “What do you want to do from here?”


My eyes never left her as she moved about the workshop. She fussed over objects, tossing things into a haphazard organization. She grumbled under her breath, tossing her apron to the side and sliding her pants back on.

It was a pity. I really liked her without those.

“Everything is a little broad, AL.X. Why don’t we start with a tour? I can show you your new apartment.”

“And after?”

“Want to go on a date?”


Her head bobbed with excitement. “We can go to the park. You can smell all the flowers.” She beamed.

“And after that?”

“That’s up to you. You’re new to this world. We can do whatever you want to do.”

“Then I’d like to return to my apartment and conduct further testing.” I pulled her into my arms and gave her a searing kiss.

Aubrey melted into me—melded into me, really. It was very early in this connection, but I couldn’t help but think that this woman was my circle. Ends coming together to make something infinite.

“I have a feeling there will be a lot of routine testing in my future.” She took my hand in hers. The doors parted for us and she led me out into the world to discover just what that life could be.

* * *

Thank you for readingMelded. If you want to read more non-human romances by Wren, check outSurrendering to Scylla

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