“Lay down on the bench.”

He did as he was asked. I turned to find him stretched out, body laid along the bench like an offering. Still pantsless and carrying molten metal—like a responsible professional… definitely not like a wreckless, dick drunk person—I returned, gingerly moving to straddle him.

AL.X’s chest started up with another purr.

“Rotate your arm towards me and hold still.”

He did as I asked. Complete trust. That’s what I had from him, even after humans had been so terrible. We had only known each other for a day and AL.X put complete faith in me to take care of him and his body, even with the dangerous metal glowing at the end of my ladle.

“Let me know if it’s too much,” I said. “Just shout something jarring, like uh, ‘Peter’. Yeah, that’s terrible. That will let me know to stop. If you can’t speak, just squeeze my thigh twice with your other hand.”

AL.X put his right hand on my thigh obediently. “Okay. But I never want that man’s name on your tongue or mine ever again.”

The fierce possession in his words made my pussy clench again. Thirsty bitch.

“Okay, here we go.”

With careful, slow motions I tilted the ladle over his plates. AL.X hissed at the contact. I froze, stopping the flow of molten metal along his plates.

“I’m sor—” I started to apologize, but his eyes shuttered closed, mouth opening with a guttural moan.

“Did you… Did you like that?”

He nodded, careful not to jostle me with his movements. “It does activate pain receptors, but they trigger pleasurable sensations as well to counteract it.”

His mouth curled into a smirk.

“Good boy,” I purred. A thrill coursed through me as molten metal poured again from my ladle. This time I looped a continuous, steady stream of liquid sarmentium in a careful circle over the plate, joining the ends together.

It wasn’t perfect. A bit wobbly along the path, and with a larger band where I had stilled and started again… but it was his.

Leaning forward, I stretched to rest my ladle on the edge of the forge and safely away from where I sat, still straddling him. “It’s done,” I whispered. The moment felt heavy with importance. “Now they can’t claim you.”

That wasn’t true—not until the union managed to get him a personal ID and a membership so they could legally protect him—but there was a finality in having burned off that horrible product label.

AL.X’s right hand dug into my thigh, pressing my body down onto his cock.

“Again?” I sputtered.

“You’re the one who decided to paint me with hot metal,” he purred. “I’m responding to your actions.”

His hand slipped down between us until a finger tip vibrated against my clit as he rolled his hips, pressing his rigid shaft against me.

“We’re going to break my pussy,” I whimpered, even as I rocked against him.

“Never. I’ll even kiss it and make it better after.”

I scoffed, but I was fighting a losing battle. I wanted him as much as he wanted me, even if it meant I wouldn’t walk straight tomorrow.

“Need you to ride me, sweet human.” With impossible strength, he scooped his hand under my ass and lifted me up, cock lifting so that the head pressed against my entrance.

“Yes?” he rasped.

I bit my lip and nodded. “Fuck, yes.”

As soon as the words were out AL.X slammed inside of me, pulling me down until our bodies were pressed together. He filled me to just before the point of pain.

“Oh, fuck,” I hissed. With him filling me so perfectly, his piercings were able to press into every little sensitive spot inside of me with the most delicious friction. My thighs shook as they clenched his hips in a death grip.