Seeming satisfied, Peter shook his head and scoffed. "Always with that sass. Well, continue on then. And do it quickly." He waved Aubrey towards her workbench and slunk out of the room, the doors closing behind him.

"Watch the door." Aubrey swiped open her coms unit again. Rohn appeared on the screen, along with a woman with fluorescent blue hair and an expression that could cower the most resolute of foes. "Oh hey, Rosie, this is AL.X, the droid I told Rohn about."

Rosie started to speak, but Aubrey interrupted. "Peter just stopped by. I've bought us three hours, but that's it."

Rosie winced at Aubrey's words, and Rohn’s mouth creased into a tight line. "We’re preparing AL.X’s documents now, and the speaker is on standby by the overseer's offices, but I'm not sure we can get it done in three hours... " Her voice was higher in pitch than I expected, but she wielded the feminine sound like a war-hardened weapon.

"We don't have a choice," Aubrey urged. “We have to get this done.”

"We'll do what we can. Stall as long as possible." Rosie turned to me. “AL.X, I’m going to work as fast as I can to get you out of this. You have rights. We just have to make sure the upper levelers won’t have any wiggle room to take them.” With a firm dip of her chin, Rosie cut the comms.

Aubrey turned and took my hands in hers. Her callouses pressed into my finger plates. I loved the way they felt. Her hands were a blend of soft skin and the evidence of how hard she had worked. She squeezed my fingers reassuringly.

"I won't let them hurt you.” Her eyes hardened with determination, but I didn’t miss the way her voice wavered. I hated the trickle of fear that tainted her beautiful voice.

"I won't let them hurt you either." I reached up to cup her cheek. She stilled at first, but the burnt umber of her eyes flared bright when she met my gaze, and she softened into my touch.

We stayed like that for longer than we should have. Someone could walk in at any moment, but I couldn't look away. An eternity passed in minutes, our eyes saying more in this silence than any words we had spoken. Fear, commitment, raw determination. Hope and lust and desperate craving.

I wanted… Ineededher close, and I was tired of fighting it.

I may only have three hours of awareness left. The wires, tubing, even the circuit boards of my chest crushed under the emptiness that forced itself through me at the thought of losing myself, but also of losing her.

Three hours left to experience and know the world around me, and I wanted to spend them devouring every bit of Aubrey I could.


AL.X hissedas the soldering iron worked along the borders of his shiny new dick. At first, I worried about hurting him, but a little moan followed the sound.

I studiously ignored it and put the last fastener in place and the smooth screw covers on. It was finished.

Before… it felt like he stared into my soul. It was so much, so raw. Too much to process with so much hanging over our heads, and too much complication between us due to circumstances beyond our control.

I had run like a little bitch from it. I threw myself back into the tasks at hand as if the moment hadn’t happened. As if I wasn’t drawn to him like a fucking magnet.

I was a rotten liar, even to myself.

I peered up at him from my knees, up close and personal with his pelvic area, with a hand on his cock.

The implication wasn’t lost on me.

I would be just like this if I were to take his cock in my mouth, to suck him deep. I’d stroke the plates of his balls until he came, gears whirring in delight, fluid shooting down my throat.

It would be sweet but not cloying, a mild flavor meant to be pleasant for most, but what it did was way more important than the taste. The compounds in this batch would trigger my own orgasm. A planet shattering, bone rattling climax.

We wouldalwayscome together with this design. My pussy would grip him tight as he lost himself in me. What would his face look like in pleasure? What would it feel like to be that intimate?

I stifled a moan, but I couldn’t stop my heart from racing, hoping to the gods of forges and inappropriately aroused people in the workplace that his biometric scanners wouldn’t notice.

A faint hum filled the room. I turned, peering around to find the machine that was making it, following the sound… eyes locking on AL.X. The pleasant rumble reverberated from his chest.

“Are you… humming?”

His cheeks grew bright, the silicone that softened his lips curving upward in a smirk. “I believe I am.”

I knew what the sound meant, but I tried to play it off. “Is something wrong inside of your chassis? I don’t usually handle those parts, but if we need to open you up and see…”

“As much as the idea of you poking around in my gears intrigues me, I don’t believe it’s a malfunction. It’s a… purr.”