Aubrey Harris, 28. Cause of death: Embarrassment at being too horny at work.

A series of linked ball bearings stared at me from the screen. On Earth, they were known as a Jacob's Ladder.

On A4-23, they were known as one of my favorite features. Something I hadn’t even mentioned to AL.X.

I lifted my hand and flexed my fingers in a "gimme" motion. As soon as the shaft was in my palm, I pulled it from AL.X’s grasp and scurried back over to my shelves to “look” for the parts.

It was official. My parts rack was the horny corner of shame.

I didn’t even bother to return to the workbench. I just slid the work knife out of my back pocket and cut the necessary holes, slipping the smooth metal in until a perfect Jacob’s Ladder adorned the shaft.

I was holding quite literally the perfect cock—the one I’d built in my dreams—in my hands and it belonged to a charming android I was falling hard and fast for.

I was screwed.


Aubrey stareddown at the dick in her hand with wide eyes. Fear, appreciation, or reverence, it was hard to tell what the intense gaze meant.

Upon closer inspection, I found that her pupils were dilated—not enough to eclipse the beautiful brown of her irises, but enough to tell me she was either struggling to see in the light of her work area… or that oxytocin and dopamine were flooding her brain.

I would either need to look into upgrading the ambient light in this room… or Aubrey really liked the cock she built me.

I smirked. I would assume the latter until proven otherwise.

My neurotransmitters were already connected to the piece, and with each prod and twist of Aubrey’s final inspection of her work, my interest and arousal grew. A forceful prod of metal here, the brush of fingertips over the enhanced metal head there—every touch lit up the electrical currents of my mind until I was a kaleidoscope of needy circuits.

Aubrey had slipped off her apron after she had finished with the forge, leaving me with a clear view of her in just her sweat dampened tank top and utilitarian trousers. The fabric clung to her body and framed the cleft between her breasts like a frame around art.

I watched as a bead of it trailed down the rich brown of her neck. I had the sudden urge to lick it off, to taste the salt of it through the receptors on my tongue. Purple light glowed from my cheeks, the traitorous circuitry betraying just where my thoughts had headed.

She is helping you, nothing more. I turned away in shame.

But I wanted more.

"AL.X, did you hear me?"

I whirled around quickly, my torso turning faster than my legs so that I faced backwards on my body until my lower half could catch up. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Can you test it again?"

This woman was trying to kill me. I ignored my growing arousal while my cock all but writhed in her hands. Aubrey gripped it firmly. The pressure of her calloused fingers was too much.

I moaned.Oh no.

My cock pulsed faster and a tiny bit of prostatic fluid leaked from the tip.Traitor.

“Oh!” Her sweet voice pitched high with her surprise. Her eyes darted from my cock to me.

I wanted a door to open on the floor of her workshop with a chute directly into the waste processors, incinerating me on the spot. Why didn’t droids come with a spontaneous combustion feature?

“I didn’t mean to…” She fidgeted, wringing her fingers together. “I’m sorry…”

“No, I’m the one who is sorry.” I reached to touch her shoulder, but stopped in midair. She probably didn’t want me to touch her. “I’m so sorry for making you uncomfortable.”

“It’s okay.” She cast her eyes to the floor, taking my shame with them.

“It’s not,” I said softly. “I… I’m sorry Aubrey. I seem to be very attracted to you. I apologize for harassing you in your workplace. You’re trying to help me and yet I can’t help but admire your mind and your form. It seems to be an impulse that I cannot control, but I promise you that I will not act on it. You are safe with me, and I respect you. You have my deepest apologies for my cock. I don’t quite have control of it.”