Samir’s growls filled her ears, his hand holding firmly to the chain and sliding up to where it met the collar as he rutted into her, his hips dragging back and snapping forward first with slow rocking motions but gradually growing in intensity as his cock pounded into her with a strength that would have thrown her into the wall if she wasn’t already braced against it. Abby lifted her ass eagerly and pressed back against the wall, meeting him thrust for thrust to the best of her ability as he held her helpless beneath him.

The spines on his cock inflated further as his cock swelled and jerked within her, making every drag of his cock within her channel increasingly difficult and more pleasurable for the slight sting of discomfort. Abby gasped, her cries growing louder as her fingers scored against the rock wall beneath her as a warm wash of pleasure rose higher and higher within her as the tension within her belly and along her back and thighs continued to tighten with a deeper orgasm rising beneath the tide.

Samir growled in her ear, his mouth clamping on her shoulder as his hips jerked against her in a frenzy, chasing his own release even as he wrung orgasm after orgasm out of her.

“Come, female,” he lifted his mouth to growl as his shuttling cock filled her again and again, sparking her deepest points of pleasure repeatedly. “Squeeze my cock in truth so that I may finally spill within you. Milk me as a female’s cunt milks her male to breed upon by him.”

Abby trembled and then cried as his cock drove deep and held, her pussy clasping tightly around his length as she came. They pulsated together, his deep growl filling the cave, as his cock spewed hot streams of cum deep within her and her channel rippled and convulsed greedily on his length, hungry for all that he had to give. She felt the side of his stinger slap her side as if, upon reacting on instinct, he had come closer to stinging her and turned his tail aside only at the last moment. That some threat was enough to send her crashing into another as Samir issued a guttural sound as he thrust deep and held, drenching her pussy with the final streams of his seed. He trembled against her for a moment and sighed heavily as his hand finally went lax on the chain.

She remained braced against the wall for another moment as his cock pulled free, sending another burst of pleasure through her as a mixture of their combined fluids spilled from her body. His satisfied purr made her smile, however, as his hands unfastened the manacle from around her neck and let it fall once more to the cavern floor. His hand cupped her pussy, rubbing his seed into her mons as he pressed a kiss against her neck.

“Did you enjoy seeing my chain, Abby?” he purred.

She nodded weakly and grinned up at him when he lowered her leg and gently turned her into his arms. “Can’t beat a good demonstration. I hope that my turn holding the chain gives us an opportunity to try that again with roles reversed.”

He returned her smile with a sharp, toothy one of his own. “It would be my pleasure. Perhaps not on the open desert when I need to have control of my senses, but I will not be remiss at giving you your turn.”

Abby looked forward to it, even though the reminder of what was to come sent a tremor of anxiety through her.

The desert seemed largerthan she remembered, though Abby admitted that the first time she had been distracted with her thoughts of her mission and the company of her guides. Seated upon Samir’s back as he alternately ran or slowed to walking a pace as they crossed the desert truly gave her an appreciation of just how big, beautiful and yet utterly desolate it was. The desert would mercilessly kill someone like her if she didn’t travel across it well prepared. Even traveling it at the speed with which they were going, they had to camp during the hottest part of the day as they slowly made their way to the capital. One day passed into a second and then a third, and it was on the fourth when they stopped for a rest and to share water that Abby reclined against Samir’s side and decided that the desert at night was her favorite thing.

She certainly understood why Samir chose that time to prowl, hunt, and travel. Though with her human limitations, her own travel would have been restricted without him since he could navigate the desert expertly without the sun, whereas she was practically night-blind. She loved the night. The punishing sun was not only absent from the sky, but the desert came to life with insects and the distant sounds of nighttime creatures singing to each other. Logically, she knew that many of them, like most wildlife that now occupied the world, were once native to the fae realms before the collision and yet she already couldn’t imagine the desert without them. Would the desert have been much quieter in the days that preceded their fragmented records?

Abby stared up at the starry sky as she sipped from her water bottle, wishing that they could just stop and enjoy the tranquility that the night offered. The chain hanging from Samir’s manacle rattled as he shifted positions and stretched tiredly on the sand, reminding her of their purpose. This wasn’t a leisure trip for their pleasure. They had a purpose for all of this, and she couldn’t forget that. At least, not until they completed what they had set to do.

“Do you suppose it is much farther to the city?” she mused.

Samir expelled a heavy breath, his sides heaving, and shook his head, sending the collar and chain rattling. “Not much. We will likely crest the final hill and arrive some time following the dawn.”

She nodded and stifled a yawn. As much as she enjoyed the night and had rested during the midday hours in the hollow that Samir dug out that afternoon, she was a creature of habit and was battling against an undeniable urge to burrow down against the male and drift off to sleep. She must have given something away, however, because he made a soft sound in his throat.

“You are tired,” he observed in a quiet rumble.

She chuckled and tucked her head against his shoulder. “Most humans are not all that nocturnal. Our vision is poor in the dark and we would be vulnerable to wild animals, so we tend to stay indoors when the sun goes down. I like keeping odd hours to enjoy some of the night, but this is late, even for me.”

A soft purr rattled from him, and he shifted to brush to his cheek against the top of her head as his big, paw-like hand gently squeezed her thigh. “Then rest a little. We can spare an hour or two.”

A yawn snuck by her defenses as she slapped a hand over her mouth to muffle it. “Are you sure?”

“I am certain. I will keep watch and make sure nothing tries to sneak off with you—seeing how your human flesh is such a tasty treat,” he teased, “but it seems your kind requires more rest, and we are in no hurry.”

Inching up a little higher, she buried her face in his soft mane. “I would’ve thought you would be eager to get this finished so you can be pampered in chocolate, coffee, and tea.”

His chuckle rumbled through her, causing her teeth to rattle slightly, but she smiled into his mane enjoying just being there with him as the desert sang to them.

“It will come soon enough. Besides, as delicious as chocolate, coffee, and tea are, nothing is as great of a delicacy or gives me more joy than you.”

The confession was whispered lightly, quiet enough that she might have missed it if she were not pressed up against him.

“You make me happy too,” she admitted. “All I thought I ever wanted was to be a respected hunter like my parents and my family… but being with you, I guess, just slowed me down and made me really take into consideration what makes me happy.”

“And I do that?” he rasped.

“Between all of your insults, prodding, and reluctant if genuine praises… yes,” she agreed with a chuckle. “I’ve enjoyed having coffee and tea with you as we read and taking little strolls around the pools deep within the caves. Even the trips outside to the oasis to fetch supplies. Just living day to day with you without worrying about when or how I’m going to make my reputation, but just enjoying every moment in your company.”

“Would you… consider staying after all is done?”

She blinked in surprise and straightened. “You are asking me?”