A burst of adrenaline flooded her as the feeling of being trapped hit home. Samir stepped back with a soft purr and Abby instinctively lunged forward, the rattle of a chain following her and then pulling her short abruptly as she came to the end of its length. She tipped backward at the sudden halt to her forward momentum, her eyes widening with the realization that she was falling. Her arms whirled helplessly in a desperate attempt to regain her balance, but it was the warm, strong hands clasping her shoulders that steadied her and Samir’s soft purr that settled into her mind, soothing her.

“Shh, do not be afraid, Abby. I have you. No harm will come to you. You wish to see my chain? Well, here it is,” he rumbled. “The collar that you wear was one that the human you feel such sympathy for crafted with the intent of capturing me. As was the chain that holds you so securely. These were crafted to contain a manticore’s strength while giving pretense of an honorable exchange and friendship with me, and he was the one who wore them in the end until I decided that I was through with him as a reward for his treachery. He thought he would bind me and bring me to his king as if I were a beast to be kept as a pet in a royal menagerie. In turn, I kept him here as my pet until I became tired of him. I keep them here as a reminder of the duplicitous nature of humans, and yet for you, I will wear them.”

Abby’s breath slowed as her panic receded and she met her monster’s sharp, green gaze. There was no deception in those eyes, no laughter at catching her, just a sober, warm regard that worked to calm the fear that rose instinctively within her. Her hands lifted, and she ran her fingers slowly along the wide, heavy band all the way back to the overlapping clasp and lock that held it in place. From there, the chain was threaded through, each link as wide as her first two fingers.

“How… how did he imagine he would get you into this?”

“As I said, though I spoke to him in the common tongue, he thought I was nothing more than a beast and easy to trick.” His thick tail flicked unhappily, but his hand moved to grasp the chain as he lowered his gaze to regard it thoughtfully. “I admit that I was foolish with him, captivated by the skill with which he created them, employing me to use my magic fire to fashion the chain link by link and solder the collar. It was not until he suggested I try it on to demonstrate its effectiveness that I realized his intention.”

“And what did you do?” she whispered.

The fleeting smile that curled his mouth was one that bore a hint of sadness. “I turned his trick against him, of course. I pled with my friend to show me first how it was done and then I would try it. He was reluctant but finally agreed, blinded by his own determination and his own belief in his human superiority. He thought I would blindly imitate him once he showed me. It was most satisfying seeing him caught in his own trap.”

A shiver ran through Abby as she imagined the man struggling with the magic-forged chain once he realized his mistake. She knew without a doubt that her family would have rushed to rescue the male and believed him worthy of saving, despite his treachery. They would have seen nothing wrong with his betrayal for they wouldn’t have seen Samir as a thinking and feeling being but a creature to be caged or destroyed despite how intelligent he was and the good he did unasked. He was a monster, they would have reasoned, and regardless of his sentience, the moment he acted against a human, it made him a target for extermination—and rightly so, as far as they were concerned. And Abby once would have blindly agreed with her parents because it had been what she had been taught from the time she was small. But now—her stomach turned, rebelling at the thought of senselessly snuffing out his life when he only sought to enjoy the same freedoms, and took his vengeance as any person would have done.

Her hand closed around the chain just above his as she took a step closer, her eyes lifting to meet his. His pupils contracted into slits and slowly widened into diamonds as his nostrils flared, taking in her scent. The enormity of what he was offering her struck her all at once. He was surrendering to her control. She was wearing the chain now and could feel the weight and strength of it for herself and, in doing so, understood exactly what he was trusting her with.

“And you will wear this for me?” she whispered. “You will give up your control for me?”

“Will you give up all control to me?” he rasped, tugging very gently on the chain.

Abby shivered at the sudden curl of desire that rose within her in response to his purred words and the heat suddenly warming his eyes. They glittered down at her as she leaned into him, trusting him despite having her chained and helpless. Was he looking for her to prove something? Perhaps he needed that mutual trust to be shown and given. The question was, could she submit to him fully and trust him to hold power over her?

“Yes,” she whispered, the word sighing from between her lips.

His pupils blew out, and a shiver ran over him. Samir’s hand tightened on her chain as a soft groan hissed from him and he lowered his head so that his velvety soft lips brushed her cheek and trailed down to her jaw. His hand skimmed up the length of the chain until he was holding it level with her chin. Keeping the chain short, he held there against him as he explored gently, caressing her chin, lips, the tip of her nose and each eye with his oddly shaped mouth with its hint of a feline muzzle. At times, she felt the corner of his lip lift as it rubbed against her skin so that his fang teased her flesh instead. Each time it happened, it caught her off guard and sent a small erotic ripple through her that made his purr ratchet up and he pressed closer, his powerful body rubbing against hers through the thick leather and woven fabric that covered her.

Despite the sweltering heat of her clothing—something that she had become accustomed to since arriving in the desert—Abby found herself far more frustrated by how much they muted the sensual glide of his musculature against her own. She made an impatient sound and made as to step back to tug off her shirt, momentarily forgetting the chain until she jerked against its confinement. Samir smiled down at her, but did not relinquish his hold. He merely moved his other hand to the lacing on her shirt and patiently worked at the ties, unthreading the length of fabric until it parted, baring her breasts, before falling away completely.

A soft pant burst from her as the cooler air of the cavern teased her skin, drawing her nipples into rigid peaks. Samir ran a velvety finger pad over one, rumbling with pleasure when she jerked and drew in a shocked breath in response to the sensation.

“So soft and vulnerable,” he rasped, the side of his claw flicking the tip of her nipple. “Your submission pleases me. It makes me hunger even more for you to see you quiver so sweetly and so trustingly within my hold.” Nuzzling her jaw, his textured tongue slipped out of his mouth and ran slowly along the sensitive skin of her neck. “Take my cock into your little human hands. I trust you to touch me.”

Shivering again at his words, her hands lifted between his legs, her fingers skimming over his firm, round sac before arriving at the sheath of skin that contained his sex. Her hands lingered there, and her eyes dropped between them in confusion before lifting once more to his face.

“I don’t… How?”

He chuckled softly. “Just slip your fingers inside. I would normally have extruded by now, but I want to feel you claim what you want.” He brushed his nose against the underside of her jaw. “I want you to take my cock for your own and claim it and desire it as much as I do your snug human cunt.”

Her brow furrowed slightly. Was that why he hadn’t tried to mount her again… he was waiting for her to show him that she wanted it? After pinning her beneath him and vigorously fucking her in the midst of her escape attempt, it hadn’t occurred to her that he would want or need anything more from her than to be an available pussy. Discovering that he wanted her to be the aggressor and lead with her desires as if they were natural and healthy rather than forbidden sent a burst of excitement through her and she felt her arousal slip through her belly, warming and wetting her sex. It was wrong and against every principle a hunter had, yet something hidden deep within her responded and was impacted by his words—by his permission to not only pursue her pleasure with him but to claim it. Still, his request gave her a pause. He truly wanted her to put her fingers inside his sheath?

“Isn’t that going to be painful?”

He groaned softly, his hips canting so that the fur of his sheath slid over her hand. “Only in the best way.”

She was still doubtful, but another tremor of excitement tore through her as the last of her resistance melted away. She slipped first two fingers and then three onto the slit of his sheath, encouraged by his low grunt of pleasure as his eyes slid shut. He was silkier in there than she expected, and even warmer. She spread her fingers, fascinated at the stretch of the skin and his breathy moan in reaction. Licking her lips, she pulled her fingers partially out and scissored her fingers wide at his entrance before slipping her whole hand inside. His hips jerked, and he grunted again as his cock suddenly shot up within his sheath and filler her hand with its damp, velvety girth.

She stroked him for a moment before tightening her hold on his shaft and slowly pulling his cock out. Her manticore growled softly and his pelt shuddered as several drops of precum spurted into her palm. Abby smiled to herself and cupped her hand over the head of his phallus, rubbing slickness over the tip of his cock. Samir’s hips rocked instinctively, his breath bursting from him in ragged pants as she stroked him from root to tip. Precum continued to dribble from his tip, and she felt herself grow wetter with her own rising excitement heating her belly. A tingling sensation pulsed in the region of her clit and Abby squeezed her thighs squeezed together.

Samir buried his face against her neck, his tongue stroking over her skin in time with each tug on his cock, pausing only occasionally to sniff at her skin. With the spike in her arousal, however, his hand had dropped to the ties on her leather pants. Unknotting them, he tugged the ties loose, each yank bumping her belly against her hand fisted over his cock and drawing a growl of excitement from him. His hand on her chain tightened and suddenly he gave it a firm pull, turning her toward the wall, dragging her hand free for his cock. Her hands slapped against the wall in front of her, cushioning her weight as he kept her pinned in place with the hand upon her chair while dragging her pants off her legs and tossing them aside. The heat of his body brushed over her back as he mouthed her shoulder for a moment before he began to lower the bulk of his body in a crouch behind her. His hand slowly dragged down the length of her chain as his body lowered, keeping it taut while his nose traced a path down her back.

He sniffed at her skin, grumbling and grunting to himself as he did so until his breath fanned over her ass. Her weight shifted against the wall, and she adjusted her arms to compensate for it as he lifted her leg up to the side, exposing her pussy to the cool air.

The first stroke of his hot tongue along her clit and down her slit made her climax with the intensity of the textured, slick surface against her most sensitive spots. The tremors of her orgasm continued to ripple through her with every stroke of his tongue as he moaned and greedily lapped up every drop of her essence that slipped from her before delving into her channel, his tongue plunge and lapping alternatively until Abby was writhing and gasping, her pussy spasming as it gushed for his pleasure. The sudden prick of his claws on her leg was startling as he suddenly shot to his feet. His fur brushed over her back as his body covered hers, and the damp length of his rigid cock brushed her folds as it lined up with her core.

“My sting… do you want it?” he rasped.

The chain rattled slightly as she shook her head, already overwhelmed by the sensations washing over her. Grunting in acknowledgement, Samir's hips snapped, driving his cock forward, stretching pussy around it, until it was buried to the root. His cock pulsed and Abby could feel the spines rising as he ground himself against her core, the head of his cock sliding and bumping along the mouth of her womb. Gasping, Abby trembled in place against the wall as she gushed again with a surprise climax that shot from that deepest place within her. He growled in satisfaction and drew his hips back, the flexible spines dragging in her channel, forcing soft cries of pleasure from her from rocking back in.