She wheezed quietly as it stole her breath in all the best ways. Her internal muscles squeezed around him as he shuttled in and out of her clasping depths. His growl trembled against her ear as he thrust, and she lifted her ass higher, needing him deeper. The warm, velvety pads on his fingers palm buffed against her skin as his hold tightened. It was an erotic contrast to the very faint prick of his claws against her skin as his hold tightened. She felt him tease the flesh of her hip where he grasped her and along the sensitive skin of her stomach where one of his hands was currently flattened. Something cooler and harder in texture brushed along the length of her thigh, the long, pointed tip scraping as it passed, leaving a damp trail in its wake.

“What?” she gasped, and he thrust deep and held as his blunt nose nuzzled her.

“My sting can give you great pleasure,” he rasped. “As much as it can deliver a painful fate for my enemies, for you, the fire would be indescribable.”

Abby trembled beneath her, her channel tightening around him like a vise as she attempted to make sense of his words through the pleasure-dense fog that had fallen over her mind. He wanted to prick her with that monstrous stinger at the tip of his tail? It was horrifying… and faintly intriguing. But not enough to get her to agree. She shook her head and his chest vibrated with his quiet laughter.

“Not ready for that? A shame. There is nothing better than a cunt choking my cock rapturously in response to my venom.” His tongue stroked along her neck again. “Are you certain that you will not change your mind?”

She blinked rapidly as her body twitched beneath his hold in frustration with his sudden lack of movement as tension spun deep within her. Gods, what did she need to do to get him moving again? And what was the question? Was she supposed to answer with a yes or a no? Her breath burst from between her lips in a ragged, insensible moan, and he chuckled again.

“Poor little female. Very well… next time,” he rumbled.

He rolled his hips then at that moment, grinding his cock deep, shifting in such a way that she could acutely feel the strange, pronounced texture of his cock caught within her. She gasped at the sensation as her channel clenched around his shaft, certain that the texture felt more pronounced. That became more apparent as his cock withdrew and she felt an unusual drag inside of her that had her gasping and attempting to jerk out from beneath him at the pleasurable intensity of the sensation.

“Something’s… strange,” she panted, and his teeth gently nipped her shoulder in reply.

“Nothing is strange. It is perfectly normal,” he groaned as he held her firmly, his cock dragging further and further until just the flared triangular tip remained caught within her.

Snarling softly, the manticore’s pelvis rocked, changing its angle, and thrusting deep once more. Abby cried out, her pussy pulsating around him as a hot coil within her snapped and released, gushing over the cock buried within her. He growled softly with pleasure as she twitched around him, her fingers spasming against the cavern floor. As his pelvis slapped against her ass, jolting her slightly with every thrust.

Every push of his body against hers and every thrust of his cock filling her, pleasure tightening and spinning through her as she climbed to the peak of ecstasy and fell again and again. Her pussy was drenched with her successive climaxes and gripping around his cock. The loud and rapid squelch of his cock burying in and out was obscene, reminding Abby that she was allowing a monster to mount her, and it sent a titillating thrill through her. It was forbidden among monster hunters to do such a thing, but that taboo made her desire it even more than she widened her stance and tipped her ass up for more—of which the manticore obliged with a feral snarl.

He drove deeper than before, the tip of his cock striking erotically at the deepest spot within her. A new sound started within his chest, a grating purr as he adjusted his grip and the stance of his legs behind her and picked up his pace, every thrust hitting her just right deep inside her over and over again. He was barely withdrawing more than half of his length before surging forward once more, but as he continued to thrust, she gradually became aware of the fact that the spiny texture on his cock was catching sooner, keeping him buried within her. Each catch of those textured spines with her made her hips jerk with pleasure and was accompanied with a throaty rumble from the manticore as he urgently buried his cock all over again.

Stroke after stroke, his cock seeking her womb with each thrust, Abby became aware that their bodies were rocking violently together. Claws scraped against stone and his stinger buried itself repeatedly into the floor of the cavern as he buried himself within her. She shook beneath him as she crested again, this time far more violently before her pussy pulsating around his length, gripping and milking his cock, desperate for release. Her belly trembled as the heat rose and shot through her, bathing her in an internal torrent of fire that exploded through her. She spasmed around him with wave after wave of her release as his cock jerked violently, sending a new current of pleasure spiral through her as the spines caught anew, and suddenly spilled within her hot streams as the manticore grunted and moaned his pleasure.

He fucked her deeper as he continued to fill her with his seed, dragging out her pleasure as the spurts of his seed never seemed to taper off but filled her until it spilled out from between them. Even then he continued to moan and bathe her insides with his hot cum until she was shaking beneath him, and half collapsed.

When he finally dragged his cock from within her, it was with a pull sensation that made her gush and moan again, her body shivering and twitching in the aftermath as he dismounted. A deep, moaning purr erupted from the monster, and suddenly she was plucked up from the cold ground and drawn up against the heat of his furred chest. His musculature felt strange against her cheek, but she had to admit that it wasn’t unpleasant. His body temperature was higher than a human and it actually made him far nicer to be snuggled against.

She had to be out of her mind to snuggle with a monster, but that was where they were, and she didn’t have the energy to resist or put up a fight after what she had just done.

“Home now, little human,” he purred.

“Abby,” she mumbled. “Considering what we’ve just done, you might as well use it. It’s better than just being called ‘human.’”

He rumbled with amusement but felt his nod. “Considering that you no doubt have a variety of unpleasant things at hand to call me, I will insist likewise that you call me Samir.”

“Pity, asshole monster fitted you so well,” she mumbled, and his chest shook as it rumbled with his laughter.

“Perhaps so, my little assassin, but time for us to take our rest, I think. I will want you again very soon, as it has been long since I’ve had such satisfaction breeding a tight little cunt and would prefer to be in my bed this time.”

Abby sighed heavily. She guessed she couldn’t complain of getting good and fucked while she worked out a way to get away from him and do her duty.

Just lookingat him unreasonably infuriated her. Samir was sitting there in his chair once more, looking as unnatural as could be, like a trained creature perched on a chair but with joints and musculature caught somewhere in between species that allowed him to sit comfortably. And once again, he was ignoring her in favor of the book held so casually between his hands. A book that Abby already knew that she couldn’t make heads or tails of, like so many in his collection, secreted away into a small antechamber off the main den.

Two days of boring exploration of her surroundings while she attempted to find some hidden way out had done little for her temper. Even less considering that she had been forced to spend hours that first day mending the rips in her pants to make them wearable. But finding a massive collection of books that she couldn’t read, and that her captor seemed to derive a great deal of pleasure from, just annoyed the fuck out of her. All she could discern was that the script bore some similarity to local writing, but it didn’t help her since she couldn’t read that either. Worst of all, with his preoccupation with his books, it sent a clear message that he was distinctly unconcerned that she could take advantage of his distraction to bolt from the cave.

Abby scowled as he slowly turned yet another page without so much as looking up in her direction. “You do realize that you can’t keep me here forever, right?”

“I would beg to differ,” he replied in a low rumble, followed by the rasp of yet another page turning.

The sound made her eye twitch, and she clenched her jaw with annoyance. She got that he somehow managed to crank out some magical seduction juice that turned her into a sloppy mess of desire, but his confidence was entirely unfair and uncalled for. “Look, I don’t know what you think this is, but this is no Beauty and the Beast fairytale. I’m not going to just magically fall in love with you.”

He snorted in reply, the sound dancing on her last nerve. “You assume much and think far too highly of yourself. I do not require the love of a human. What I have from you is sufficient. You have nothing to complain about. I provide for you—you are fed and kept comfortably within my cavern, safe from a world of men that would use you and bleed you dry.”

Abby grimaced. He wasn’t exactly wrong there. While there were many warrioresses and sorceresses out there carving out adventures, it was still a hard life for a woman alone in those fields. How many times had her mother cautioned that she would be better off waiting to begin her own adventure until the right partner came along? She knew exactly what that was code for… find a man with whom she could team up for her own safety and wellbeing, as her mother had done. She wouldn’t be surprised at all if that was the reason that she wasn’t brought out on hunts, despite the general completion of her training.