“I can’t imagine you having many to worry about,” she muttered in reply, but quickly took a seat in a deep purple chair embroidered with gold thread in a tapestry of exotic floral designs with just a hint of the geometrical.

To her surprise, the manticore chuffed his amusement and inclined his head, granting her sally as he turned and settled into an enormous wingback chair in a similar shade of deep plum. He stretched out comfortably, the firelight casting heavy shadows over him. He regarded her with luminous, slitted eyes and seemed to smile with some hint of mockery.

“I have more guests than you might imagine, but none are as charming and all fleeting visitors.” His head turned, and she glimpsed skulls stacked neatly in a corner as he glanced over at them casually. “They failed to be polite.”

Her mouth dried as she stared at him. That was one detail that Zayman Bibal had failed to include. He said nothing about the manticore keeping trophies of his kill.

“Oh,” she said weakly. “I suppose you can’t have that.”

“No. I cannot. I despise poor manners,” he retorted.

Abby wasn’t entirely sure how to respond to that, so she fell silent, her eyes following his every movement. It was strange, although he bore a human-esque face. There was very little about him that resembled a man beyond that. His build was too massive and too predatory, bulky in ways that humans were not and lean in places where humans were a bit more filled out. The odd position of his shoulders and shape of chest aside, his hips were exceptionally lean and his belly almost possessing a caved-in appearance with its sudden and extreme dip from his chest creating a strange slope within his abdominal muscles. Even his legs were those suited better to a quadruped predator giving him a unique design for speed and agility and had a distinctly leonine appearance. Unlike his hands, had wide, padded paws with large claws that pressed randomly out from their sheaths as he pensively regarded her in turn. Even the fingers on his large hands were thicker than those of humans with wide fingers that likewise were padded.

Truthfully, the velvety pads on his palm at fingertips were slightly distracting and Abby found her gaze was returning frequently to them as he stroked the fur along his jaw and absently played with his long mane. The kettle whistled, breaking the tension of the atmosphere between them, and he sighed as he stood.

“If I had any sense at all, I would kill as I do any other intruder who comes here to kill me,” he pointed out, pouring the water from the kettle into an ornate little teapot. “The human king who believes himself master of the great expanse of this desert was clever to send a female. No doubt he thought it would lure me into a false sense of safety, allowing you to easily slit my throat.” He huffed with grim amusement. “As if I am that easy.”

“I doubt it,” she replied with a hint of annoyance. “I was hired because I was the only member of my family who happened to be there. My brothers and parents were occupied. And I’m hardly a seductress.”

“You give yourself far too little credit,” he purred, and the sound ran up her spine with an odd tingle that sent a strange sensation down between her legs.

She clenched her thighs together and flushed.

“But no,” he rumbled thoughtfully. “I do not think you came here with that in mind or else I would have already killed you. But you did willing enter my home on your own accord—gifting me with your life. However, I see fit to use it since you failed to accomplish your means.”

“So what are you going to do, then?” she asked, her fingers biting into the thick upholstery of her chair.

He grinned at her lazily. “First, we have tea. Afterward, you will have one chance to escape my den. If you succeed, you return home and live your life as if this encounter never happened.”

She swallowed hard. “And if I fail?”

His grin widened into a feral, hungry expression as he looked at her over his shoulder. “Then you will remain here as mine. And you will spread your thighs, little human, so that you may be filled completely with my cock. I will fuck you long and hard. I will fill you with every drop of my seed. I will breed and rut and know my pleasure while you scream for your own release and beg me for more. And I will continue to fuck you. If you cannot escape my den, then you shall be mine and pinned on my prick. And you will be pinned for certain because you will find that it is not so easy to dislodge a manticore buried within your tight, hot cunt,” he rumbled, turning toward her.

Her eyes dropped and widened. His cock had within those brief moments extruded, and the shaft rose upward as a slightly curling angle, the tip of it broad and triangular, bearing several rising bumps down the length of his cock. A clear bead of precum welled at the tip and dripped from it and he hissed softly. He wrapped his hand firmly around his length and squeezed, sending a stream trickling free.

“Tea first,” he rumbled as if to remind himself, and pressed it back into his bulging sheath as a deep growl rolled through his chest.

That growl did something to her. There was something so primal within it that something achingly raw within her responded to it. A wet gush dropped from deep within her, her arousal trickling steadily into her panties. She shifted in place as she watched and squeezed her thighs tightly together.

The manticore shivered in the grip of his own desire, but he managed to walk calmly toward her with the teapot. Despite the tight control he was displaying, it was all she could to keep from springing to her feet and fleeing before she embarrassed herself with a demonstration of how lacking her own self-control was. She suddenly felt like a cat in heat and just the idea of being rammed full of all that dick made something within her clench with an instinctual excitement. Gods, she was sick. She knew she was, but she couldn’t help it. Caught helplessly within in her tidal wave of desire, her eyes followed as he leaned forward and set the teapot among the teacups on the small table between them. His nostrils flared, and he shivered again, this time more violently. His eyes pinched close for a moment and then sprung open, their green depths suddenly far more luminous than before as his pupils constricted tightly and then flared wide.

“Tea can wait,” he snarled, and his tail lashed, the stinger slashing through the air. “I can scent your desire. Fuck civility. I will have you now.”

He lurched forward and Abby sprung to her feet with a squeak. Spinning away from the chair, keeping the furniture between them, she pivoted toward the door and sprinted for it. An embarrassing flood of arousal wetted her panties as she ran, and the cotton of her underwear rubbed against her clit. Even with her mind screaming in denial, her body was priming itself to be fucked… to be rutted by a monster… to be pinned beneath him, her ass up in the air and filled up and stretched with the primal slam of his hips.

Her arousal was insane. It was as if her body was trying to incite the monster, even as her mind attempted to secure her escape. She could hear him, his roar chasing after her through the winding cavern tunnel as she fled blindly through them, no longer even having her scarab to light the way since the magic had since dissipated while she had endured her capture. She could hear his claws scraping as he charged after her. She could nearly feel the fanning heat of his breath upon her as her pussy continued to weep with its own primitive eagerness.

Abby turned down another corridor, and her eyes widened in shock. Just ahead, the path terminated in a smooth wall. She had somehow gone the wrong way and was now trapped. Skidding to a stop, she slowly turned, but a large body barreled into hers, sending them both crashing to the ground. One large, clawed hand slapped against the ground within view and she felt the other wrap around her waist, hauling her back as a growl vibrated through the air between them.

Despite the shocked screech of her mind, her hips instinctively went up, and she moaned out loud, and the thick, nubbed shaft rubbed frantically against her crotch as he panted and growled. She shivered blissfully as she felt her sex pulse and open further to prepare for him. Her hips did a little jump that pumped her pussy over him and into his pelvis, that made him hiss and moan in pleasure. The fabric must have somehow weakened because she heard the first sound of cloth shredding and as the layer of fabric yielded, she felt him more acutely through the thinner layer separating them, every strike against her clit sending stars shooting behind her eyes.

Gods, she wasn’t even trying to fight him off. She didn’t want to. The logical part of her that cared that this was considered unnatural among those of her profession and strictly prohibited—and would get her expelled permanently—and shut down in surrender to the pleasure and need that was coursing through her as his flat, textured tongue rasped gently against her neck.

This was it… she was going to let herself be defiled by a monster, and suddenly she wanted nothing more. It was a forbidden sort of excitement that rose within her, demanding to be embraced. And gods help her embrace it, she did.

The manticore’scock was as thick as it had appeared in the firelight. Abby could feel every inch as it battered against, somehow shredding through her panties little by little until finally he gave an impatient huff and lowered a hand between her thighs to pet her pussy in long dragging strokes before tearing a gaping hole with one quick movement of his claws. The glide of his scorching hot cock against her slicked-up pussy made her eyes roll back with pleasure. On a final pass, the head notched in place and slide in just enough to encompass the tip and even that was girthy enough to have her pussy stretched tightly around it. The manticore froze as if only suddenly realizing that he was in and with an excited huff retreated only slightly before thrusting forward, his cock sliding through her wet channel, stretching it snuggly around its massive length in one hard jolt that nearly sent her off her knees.

Crying out, she felt her pussy tighten instinctively around the invasion and then gush rapturously around his cock as it squeezed repeatedly along the textured girth filling it. The manticore shuddered over her, his head dropping beside hers until they were pressed practically cheek to cheek and from the corner of her eye, she could see his fanged mouth gaping open as he moaned. Abby trembled at the sound, her pussy clamping down around him again without her say-so, and she whimpered as his cock slowly began to drag from deep within her the wide, angular flare of its head. The manticore grunted deeply and shivered. His claws scraped the stones and his pelvis slammed forward, driving his cock back into her.