His tail tightened, restricting my breathing, and another orgasm crashed through me, each nerve-ending throbbing as hard as his member, and each spurt of his cum filling me to the brim.

Smoke plumed from his nostrils and a roar from inside him burst free as he threw his head back and fire cascaded from his open jaws.

I watched with wide eyes, my body still gripping his cock tightly and holding on to the awesome wave of pleasure. Volk erupted fire against the rocky ceiling of the cave, charring it black, as his claws continued to grip my hips, using my body to milk himself dry.

When his fire subsided and only little wisps of smoke remained, his tail released my throat and he pulled me down onto his scaley chest.

“I have no words for you now, little one,” he breathed heavily, as he stroked my head and his essence began to flow out of me. “But know you are my most precious belonging.”

I felt weak and my eyes were heavy, my entire being still flooded with heat and calm.

“I have no words either,” I admitted. “But this feels…right.”

“Because it is,” he whispered. “When something is meant to be, there is no denying it.”

I closed my eyes, feeling safe and grounded after months of being without an anchor. Somehow, meeting Volk had woken something in me that would never be quiet again. I traced my fingertips over his scales, his breathing becoming deeper, as he relaxed and unwound. The past was already fading, my life before this moment no longer relevant.

This was peace.

We held each other tightly, breathing in time, the warmth from both my dragon and the volcano lulling us softly into a deep, restful sleep.

“Foolish creatures,”Volk snarled as we circled the summit of Mount Vulcan. His huge hands gripped my waist and his wings flapped wildly as he dipped at speed down the face of the mountain, the wind rushing beneath my feet.

The sensation of flying would never get old. The exhilaration, the surge of power, the feeling of weightlessness as my dragon man carried me closer to the heavens.

“They don’t know any better,” I called up to him. “It wasn’t so long ago that it was me,remember?”

A wry smile spread over Volk’s lips as he rose and we flew high into the air, before swooping back down towards the dark blanket of woodland below.

“If it wasn’t for you, I would leave them all to perish,” he said sternly.

“Those days are over on Mount Vulcan,” I said sweetly. “Now you know that people are worth saving, we don’t need the legends to continue.”

Volk nodded in agreement but I could sense his irritation. Before my arrival he had spent decades letting hikers disappear. But now, with my help, we were going to ensure that every explorer made their way home from Mount Vulcan alive.

The night was our cover, swooping down from our fiery home to scare away the mountain lions and raise the alarm. We didn’t even need to get close to the ones who were lost, rather we could use Volk’s dragon fire as a flare and then get back to the top of the mountain before the search parties arrived. It had been working well, giving us more purpose on our journey together, rather than just spending our days tangled up, exploring each other’s bodies and enticing the most intense pleasure either of us had ever experienced.

It would seem that being the lover of a dragon was a definite win in life.

After being taken by Volk there was no way I could go back to normality. I’d been forever changed, my body morphed into something built for pleasure, both to give and receive.

We swooped over the lost hiker, trying his best to climb into the trees, just as I had done. My vision was still not primed for darkness, but Volk could see it all, and he regularly talked me through what was happening on the ground.

“Three mountain lions are hunting him,” he said with a sigh. “He’s got about ten minutes before he’ll be torn to shreds.”

“Well then,” I said, playfully slapping his arm. “We better get a move on.”

Volk circled back, away from the line of sight of the hiker, and gripped me tightly. I liked this part the best, the feeling of his power erupting from him, the sheer force of his natural gift.

“The search party is about three miles east,” he said. “Once they see my fire, they could be here by air in a matter of moments.”

I ran my fingertips across his thick, muscular arms, addicted to the sensation of the scales. So soft and silky.

“You touch me in such a wanton way, little one,” he said knowingly. “Does your desire grow?”

I clenched my legs together, knowing exactly what was awaiting me when we retreated to the top of the volcano.

“It does,” I admitted with a blush.