Page 8 of Hannah's Truth

He shot a look out at the store, wondering why she didn’t just take a message. “Just a sec,” he said to Wallace before he walked to the opposite end of the counter and picked up the handset on the wall. “Bart here.”

“Finally, the man of the hour.”

“Eva!” He smiled, turning his back on Wallace. “Always a pleasure, but this isn’t a good time.”

“Trust me I’m aware of my poor timing. I heard the news and I had to call and congratulate you on your recent marriage.”

What the hell?She knew that kind of talk turned his knees turned to water. “You heard the news?” This wasn’t the time for one of her jokes. Stunned, it took him a second to register that she wasn’t using her prankster voice. This was a slightly friendlier version of the analyst tone she’d used during their missions in Special Ops. He couldn’t fathom what she was up to, but for an op, he could manage anything.

“Eloping sounds so easy,” she said. “And fun, but don’t tell my mother I said so. One day I want to hear the whole story about how you decided on Vegas. It’s not easy to keep that kind of news quiet.”

“No, it isn’t.” Bart sagged against the wall. “Good grief.” She was talking about his weekend with Hannah. More importantly, she’d referenced hearing and sound. During their operation days those conversation trends had meant she thought someone was listening. “Yeah well, you know me,” he said. “It was an impromptu thing.”

“Obviously. But you’re happy together and that’s what matters. All of us are thrilled for you both.”

“Right.” He picked up on the cues.

He shifted, looking through the wide bank of windows to the parking lot. For whatever reason, he was now hitched in some form or fashion to the woman he’d been with in Vegas. Knowing Eva’s skill with computer systems, whatever documentation she’d managed to create might actually be legit. On top of that his new ‘bride’ would join him soon, and he was supposed to be happy about all of it.

As if he didn’t have enough to do today with a dead body in the dumpster, now he had to put on the performance of his life? He’d rather be dodging bullets on a cave-riddled mountain on the other side of the world.

Still, there was more than a little comfort knowing the Cypress Security team had his back. He simultaneously wondered why his old pals found it necessary and worried that Beth might have called for help already.

“Thanks,” he managed to say. “We’ll send out announcements soon.”

“We’re all looking forward to it.”

“Right.” A panel truck pulled into the parking lot. Tim’s produce delivery. “I’ve got to go.”

“Sure. Give your bride a hug from me. And next time answer your cell phone.”

The line went dead and he stared at it for a second before replacing the handset. Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, he checked the text messages as he strolled down the counter to resume his conversation with the deputy.

The texts read much like the call, except she’d asked for a confirmation reply he’d never sent because he’d been ignoring the alerts. He wished Eva had mentioned when to expect Hannah to join the fun at the circus that was his morning.

“Can we table this until I’m done with this guy?” Bart pointed through the window to the produce truck that had pulled to a stop out front.


He jogged out to greet the driver and help unload the order. Like Bart, the deputy had quickly reached the conclusion that the kitchen had nothing to do with the crime, so it would be business as usual—or as close as Bart could make it once the dumpster was cleared. In the meantime, he figured he’d be serving his staff, a few customers, and the various law enforcement agents lurking in the area.

When he had things stored and the rest of the week’s order downsized, he found Deputy Wallace hovering near the diner counter. If he didn’t know better, he’d think the deputy had a thing for Maria. “Have you found Tim’s car?”

“Not yet,” the deputy replied. “It wasn’t at his place, but I have a team combing the area between his place and here.”

As far as Bart was concerned, this morning’s drive had to be when Tim had been jumped. Why was the foremost question on everyone’s mind.

“Was there anything new with Tim? Good or bad,” he added.

Bart shook his head and glanced out the window again. Damn women in general for the unwelcome distraction. “He had a new girlfriend.”

“Tell me about her.”

“Mary Lou something. She drove a rig through here on a regular basis.”

“That’s all you’ve got on her?”

“Was I supposed to have more?” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t run background checks on all my regular customers.” But after this he might start. Surely Eva and her tech skills could work up some system for him.