Page 65 of Hannah's Truth

Suter and Kellerman helped her explain the situation and potential charges against the cartel crew to the deputy before driving off to check on the mobile lab. She had to believe Bart and Deputy Wallace were safely rounding up Gonzales at that location, but that didn’t mean she intended to head back to the truck stop and wait for his return.

Once all four perps were in custody, one by way of the ambulance, she returned to the battered Camaro.

“I shouldn’t let you drive that thing,” the responding deputy said.

“It’s got to get back to the shop somehow.” Whether he bought the bluff or he realized arguing was a lost cause, he gave her the addresses for the hospital and the county jail and let her leave.

The damaged Camaro made for a noisy drive but she was getting used to it as she arrived at the scene. The mobile meth lab looked pitiful, jackknifed in the road and blocking both lanes. Bart’s truck didn’t look any worse for the chase, and she caught a glimpse of Ross’s car on the other side.

A team in HAZMAT gear wandered through the wreck, dealing with the chemicals, but Hannah sought out Gonzales.

She told herself she only wanted to look in his eyes, to let him see her determination to take him down but Bart found her first.

“Are you okay? It looks like you drove through a mine field.”

“It wasn’t that bad, but I’m sorry about the damage.” She sincerely regretted wrecking the project he’d planned for Kyle. “I’ll replace it if necessary.”

“Don’t worry about it. Gonzales is with Suter and Kellerman,” Bart said, guiding her closer to his truck and away from the DEA vehicle.

“He’s alive?”

“Barely. There was a scuffle when your pals got here.”

“How alive is barely?”

Bart shrugged, but she stared him down. “He tried to take a gun off Kellerman. He didn’t succeed.”

“Inexperienced idiot. I hope Suter writes him up for it.” Hannah glared across the road toward the agents and the prone Gonzales at their feet. “If he’d escaped or taken out someone else—”

“It’s fine now,” Bart assured her. “His nose won’t look right without surgery and the safe bet says at least two ribs are broken,” Bart added. “Maybe a dislocated shoulder.”

She studied him. “You helped subdue him.”

“It’s possible. Ross would likely say I helped save him.”

“Really?” She arched her brows. “I have a few professional questions of my own.”

“You should stay here. With me.”

She smiled at his concern. “I’ll just be a minute. If he gets out of line, you can break another couple of ribs.”

“Count on it.”

She stalked across the street to let Gonzales know he wouldn’t get away with killing Krystal and her baby.

Chapter 15

Bart watched her kneelnext to Gonzales. He knew just what she was telling the bastard.

“She’s something else,” Ross said to Bart, putting his cell phone back in his pocket. “Allie says all is well at the party, but Maria would like you both back ASAP.”

“She should just cut the damn cake and be done with it,” Bart grumbled. “Any word from Jersey?”

“Every report from the team on Beth and Kyle says they’re fine.”

“Good. That’s good.”

“You and Hannah work well together,” Ross said.