Page 59 of Hannah's Truth

“Wait,” he caught the older woman’s elbow gently. “You didn’t invite Beth and Kyle.”

“Not enough travel time,” she said. “Though I think Kyle should have been here. You’ll have to figure out how to smooth that over.”

Bart would have to figure out a lot of things. But his immediate future was consumed with smiles and ‘thank yous’ as each guest wished them well in what felt like an unrelenting wave of congratulations.

He recognized most of the faces, but not all. How many people had he managed to hire through the years? He could count his close friends on one hand, but there were dozens of people here. Maria must have brought in extras from Miler or Richmond to make it a real party.

As the receiving line died down, the diner was over capacity with people chatting and snacking. Cameras flashed and voices rose and fell with conversation as their guests carried on.

Hannah slipped her hand into his. “How are you holding up?”

“I’ll survive.”

She batted her eyelashes. “Just what every bride dreams of hearing from her groom.”

He kissed her nose and ignored another series of camera flashes. “You’re pretty good at this.”

“You’re doing pretty well yourself.”

“Are we too late?”

Bart turned to see his old Army C.O., Ross Carpenter, standing in the doorway with his new wife, Allie. She held a big box wrapped in glossy paper tied with a big white ribbon.

“You’re right on time,” Bart replied, extending a hand. “Wouldn’t be a party without you.”

Allie handed the gift to Maria who had materialized as if on cue and as introductions were made between Hannah and Allie,hugs followed. Bart was starting to think his arms might wear out at this rate.

“Well, congratulations!” Ross looked around. “Great party.”

“Your venue was better,” Bart said with a wry grin. “More atmosphere.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Allie grinned. “This is festive. And I thought I’d lose my mind with the planning long before the day arrived.”

“I tried to get her to elope,” Ross said. “But she wouldn’t hear of it.”

“It’s not for everyone,” Hannah answered, squeezing Bart’s hand.

“Where’s Eva?”

“She’s on assignment for me today. Rick too. We had too many things in the pipeline for us all to be here.”

“So business is good.”

Ross nodded. “Better than ever, thanks to our new publicist.”

Bart chuckled when Allie rolled her eyes. “He exaggerates. Business is good because they’re the best.”

“Can’t argue with you there,” Bart said.

“Don’t worry, Eva will get even with me and make it up to you.” Ross stepped to the side and Bart followed. “We could always use more help, if you change your mind.”

Bart shook his head. “I like it here.”

“Then I’ll stop pushing.”

“Thanks. Do you have any news?”

“Yeah. Eva’s been doing all kinds of side work lately. She put together the timeline of your trip to Las Vegas and sent it up the line. Made sure the records are bulletproof. Consider it a wedding present.”