He remembered every touch of her hands, every place her sweet lips had blessed his skin. No, he couldn’t regret it any more than he could seem to forget it.
Her hand tapped his shoulder. “Hey, I am sorry. I was just trying to lift the mood. It’s been such a terrible day and we’re finally alone.”
“It’s no problem.” But he had to distract himself before he pulled the car to the shoulder and made a move on her like a randy teenager. He cleared his throat. “What’s your take on Suter and Kellerman?”
“I’m not sure I have a take on them. I’ve never caught wind of any problems when I’ve been in the field office down here. You probably know them better than I do, you see them more often.”
“Normally I’d say you’re right, but they don’t come by as often as other agents who have been assigned to this area.”
“Huh. Did you change your coffee?”
He chuckled. “No.”
“Have you asked Eva about the different approach yet?”
“Haven’t had cause.”
“But you think you might have cause now?”
He slid a glance her way, found her staring right back at him. “The wiretap and bugs would sure support that theory,” he said. “Doesn’t seem like a drug runner kind of move.”
“Have you hired anyone recently?”
“No.” Once more his mind drifted back to the notebook he’d seen in Tim’s shirt pocket and the older one he’d found in the kitchen desk. “And you know I run thorough checks on my staff. That search they did in the kitchen, it felt wrong.”
“What do you think they were looking for?”
“Well, I allowed them to do it because I knew there wasn’t a stash of drugs, money, or incriminating paraphernalia.”
“I figured that much out.”
“Right. But now I’m wondering if they were looking for the notebook I found.”
“Hang on. You really found something?”
“Yeah. I noticed the notebook in Tim’s pocket when I found his body. I peeked at it to see if it was a message from the killer.”
“I didn’t touch it with my hands, just a pencil. Wallace knows I checked it out.”
“Oh, that’s fine then,” she muttered.
“As I was saying. The notebook in his pocket only had a recipe list and couple days’ worth of the produce truck stops.”
“All of that was on the whiteboard,” she said.
“Exactly. It just wasn’t his way. I felt obligated to do a search before Wallace got there. Found another notebook taped to the back of one of the desk drawers.”
“Good grief,” she muttered. “I thought that notebook line was just a ploy for the people on the other end of the bug.”
“What if Suter and Kellerman are on the other end of the bug? What if they recognized a potential problem with the notebook on Tim’s body?”
“They said they found the questionable evidence in his car.”
“We both know anyone cansayanything.” He gave her a sharp look and she had the decency to blush.
“It will be interesting what we find when we get back to the apartment,” she said.