Page 5 of Can't Wait

“He took the baby home after the tree lighting, so I could hang out with Summer.”

“If he’d taken you home, Summer would have come home with us.”

“Oh, stop. Having fun is not a crime. You might even enjoy yourself.”

Jack didn’t answer, just took Teri loosely in his arms and ushered her around the dance floor next to Summer and Caleb as Billy Currington’s “Pretty Good at Drinkin’ Beer” filled the raucous room.

Caleb resisted the urge to crush Summer to his chest. He held her rigidly at arm’s length, but slowed his pace enough to let Jack and Teri move several feet ahead of them and disappear behind three other ­couples. Summer stepped into him, closing the distance he tried to impose on her. The woman refused to give him any peace.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked.

“Deep down, you want me to.”

“I want you to back off.”

“If that were true, you wouldn’t be holding on to me so tight.”

He checked himself, loosening his hold on her hand and waist. “Sorry, did I hurt you?”

“Every time you deny yourself from being in my company.”


“Caleb, shut up and dance. Be with me. Right here. In this moment. You and me and the music.”

He sighed and moved mechanically around the dance floor, looking anywhere but at her. He ignored the intoxicating scent of her citrus shampoo. Her soft skin made him ache to touch more. His thumb brushed along hers as he held her hand, and he stopped himself immediately. Her hand tightened in his, but he didn’t acknowledge the unconscious stroke of his skin against hers.

The song ended and several ­couples, including Jack and Teri, moved back to their tables, or off to play pool. Caleb stood with Summer in his arms and hesitated just a second too long to escape. Garth Brooks’s “The Dance” moved the ­couples around them into a soft sway and slow rotation around the dance floor. More ­couples joined in, and he and Summer were crushed between all the moving bodies. Summer shifted and moved with him, guided by his hand at the small of her back, pulling her closer. She settled against him like they’d danced like this a thousand times. His whole body jolted with heat at the contact. She sighed and her breasts rose and fell against his chest. He glanced down and couldn’t stop himself from staring at the bounty before him. Her breasts rounded against her white sweater, the deep V between them enticing him to dive in and taste. Devour was more like it. One taste of her would never be enough. He’d need more and more, never content with just a sample. He needed all of her, or he’d spend the rest of his life wanting. She consumed his every thought and dream, that is, the good ones. The bad ones he could do without. But not her. He couldn’t do without her, but he had to find a way.

“Relax. Teri made Jack sit facing away from us.”

Caleb glanced over at their table, and sure enough, Teri sat facing them, Jack’s back to him, and she talked, keeping his attention. She caught him staring and gave him a slight nod and a bright smile.

“Your friend thinks she sees something between us.”

“Everyone but Jack sees what’s between us. Deny it all you want, but I can feel the truth.”


“Relax. Dance.”

She settled into him and laid her head on his shoulder. He gave in and wrapped his arms around her, steering her across the dance floor and as far away from Jack’s sight as possible. Shrouded in the back of the crowd, he held her close and prayed this song would never end, and if it did, that he could stop time and keep her close forever.

The song blended into the next slow song that kept the ­couples entwined and the atmosphere in the bar sultry. He didn’t need the music or the mood, he only needed the woman in his arms. For those few minutes, he didn’t think of anything but her.

The song ended and Jack let out a familiar whistle. One they used on night raids in the military.

“Time to go.” Reluctantly, he stepped away and took her hand to lead her back to the table. She stood firm and tugged him back.

“Don’t do that. Don’t leave me because he called you.”

“This can’t be.”

“It can if you want it.”

He didn’t want to do it. Hurting her hurt him more than he could bear, but he endured it for both their sakes. “I don’t want it.”

“You lie.”