Page 41 of Can't Wait

“Something about that guy puts me off. Don’t get me wrong, his horses have the bloodlines, but I don’t like the way he runs his ranch.”

“Me either, but you asked for the best I could find. Sully is gentle, attentive, a hard worker, and a fast learner. He’ll suit you.”

“Sully? You named him already.”

“I’ve spent the last six weeks training him. I couldn’t keep calling him horse.” Blake grinned and patted Sully on the white patch on his brown forehead. The horse leaned in and closed his eyes, completely enamored and content with Blake. Gabe had to admit, his brother had a way with horses.

“How do you like it here at Three Peaks Ranch?” Gabe asked.

“I love it.”

Though Blake trained quarter horses for cutting cattle, he was making a name for himself training Thoroughbred racehorses.

“The partnership with Bud working out? It’s been a few years, you ready to get your own place?”

“Naw, I like it here. I’ve found exactly what I wanted and more.”

“I’m glad you’re happy, man.”

“You must be chomping at the bit to get into the Wolf place.”

“I can’t wait.”

“I still can’t see you rambling around that huge house.”

“It’s the stables and pastures I’m more interested in.”

“Please, that house is beyond awesome.”

Yeah, it certainly would appeal to that elusive wife he kept looking for.

“Did you get it cleaned out like the owner asked?”

“Get this, I’ve dealt solely with Phillip Wolf, but Lela Wolf showed up the other day.”

“What’s she like? Spoiled rich girl?”

“Hell if I know. I only spoke to her for a ­couple of minutes. I met her in the driveway. She wanted to know what I was doing there. When I told her Phillip requested I put the contents of the house in storage, she told me to leave the place alone and tore out of there. You’d have thought the hounds of hell were after her.”

“So you didn’t pack the house?”

“No, I did. Moving trucks showed up fifteen minutes later.”

Blake frowned. “Why didn’t she want you to touch anything in the house?”

“She didn’t say.”

“Did you tell her you own the place now?”

“I don’t own it until escrow closes in nine weeks. That’s the deal.”

“Did you tell her that?”

“She didn’t give me a chance. Come to think of it, she thought her uncle sent me to find her.”

Blake frowned and narrowed his eyes. “That’s strange.”

“I had my orders from her uncle and delaying the inevitable seemed stupid. The stuff sat in that house for the last ten years untouched. ­People like them, from the city, more money than they know what to do with, they don’t care about all that land. Hell, Travis Dorsche took over running their prime cattle, and that guy’s just this side of worthless, and they don’t give a shit. So, yeah, I cleaned out the house. When the deal goes through they’ll still have all that stuff sitting in the lockers Phillip rented. With those ­people, it’s out of sight, out of mind.”