Page 27 of Can't Wait

“She must be something to raise four boys.”

“You remind me of her in some ways.”

“How so?”

“You’re kind and easy to be around. You smile even when no one is looking. Under everything you have a strength and determination that gets you through everything. You’re tenacious.”

“You like that about me.”

He laughed and shook his head. “When you want something, you don’t stop.”

“You didn’t want me to stop. Not really.”

His big hand settled on her thigh. He rubbed it up to her hip and squeezed, his eyes locked on hers as the ripples of pleasure surged through her system. Everything emptied from her mind, except her sole focus on the warmth of his hand on her.

“Don’t ever stop.”

Wanting mewent unsaid, but she heard it loud and clear.


Chapter Ten

CALEB WANTED TOkiss her and never stop, but he’d planned this night so carefully. He wanted to give her everything. Make this a perfect date. Ask her for another. Treat her like the special gift she was in his life. She deserved more than one night of dinner and flowers before he seduced her into bed. As much as he wanted her, he’d drag her there if his resolve didn’t hold up. She deserved better than him rushing her. He’d give her all the time she needed to decide, because once she did, he’d never let her go.

The attraction between them had been building since the day they met, but he’d held himself in check and her at bay. He wanted to pull her close and love her forever. He hated waiting. It made him edgy and impatient.

He gave in to his baser need and slid his hand back down her thigh and leaned in and kissed her softly on her rosy lips. A man would die drunk and happy on her kisses. Sometimes, she did in fact make him dizzy.

Reluctant, but ready to devour her, he pulled away and stood to put some space between them. “I’ll get dessert.”

Dishes clinked and rattled behind him as she cleared the table. He put dessert on plates and took his time, breathing deep to calm himself and not think about making love to her. By the time he finished and left the kitchen, she settled on the sofa in front of the fire, her glass of wine in her hand, and his set on the coffee table. She sat peacefully, her eyes on the flames. He settled next to her, their thighs brushing. He could have scooted over, but he liked being next to her.

She took her plate and used her fork to take a bite of the creamy cheesecake with raspberry and chocolate sauce. Her eyes closed and she made that soft little moan like she did at dinner. He wanted to slide his tongue over her breast and make her sound like that again and again.


“Rainy days in front of a fire with a book are good. This is amazing. My favorite.”

“You order it any time we eat out. You even have raspberry chocolate ice cream bars in the freezer.”

“Only because if I eat cheesecake every day I’d weigh a ton.”

“Well, you’ve got at least a few days’ worth of dessert in the fridge.”

“I’ll eat a piece for breakfast with my coffee.”

He laughed around another bite. “Maybe I’ll come back and make you that omelet, so I know you’ve had something good to eat.”

“You should just stick around and make sure I don’t have a midnight snack.”

He wanted to, but held firm to his plan. “I thought we’d take this slow, spend a decent amount of time dating and get to know each other better.”

She placed her plate on the table and took his and did the same, despite the fact neither of them had finished their dessert.

“You think too much. When I look at you, when I think about you, there is nothing inside me that wants to be decent.”
