Page 2 of Can't Wait

Her stomach fluttered when Caleb instinctively leaned toward her, but caught himself and drew back into that tightly controlled rigid stance. After weeks of doing everything short of throwing herself at him, maybe she needed to face facts. He didn’t want her. Not really. Away from the States for over a year, maybe he just wanted a woman, but not her.

“I don’t know why you’re so worked up over a parade.” Jack’s irritation showed in his voice and face.

“Summer, come dance with me,” Charlie called from across the street.

“It’s more than that and you know it, even if you refuse to acknowledge you’re having a hard time adjusting back into normal life. Go home. Drink beer. Watch a game. I’ll find my own way home. I’m going to do something you two have forgotten how to do. Have fun.”

CALEB OPENED HISmouth to yell,Where the hell do you think you’re going?

He snapped his jaw shut, thinking better of it. He couldn’t afford to let Jack see how much Summer meant to him. He’d thought he’d kept his need for her under wraps, but the too-­observant woman had his number. Over the last few months, the easy friendship they’d shared from the moment he stepped foot on Stargazer Ranch turned into a fun flirtation he secretly wished could turn into something more. The week leading up to Thanksgiving brought that flirtation dangerously close to crossing the line when he walked through the barn door and didn’t see her coming out due to the changing light. They crashed into each other. Her sweetly soft body slammed full-­length into his and everything in him went hot and hard. Their faces remained close when he grabbed her shoulders to steady her. For a moment, they stood plastered to each other, eyes locked. Her breath stopped along with his and he nearly kissed her strawberry-­colored lips to see if she tasted as sweet as she smelled.

Instead of giving in to his baser need, he leashed the beast and gently set her away, walking away without even a single word. She’d called after him, but he never turned back.

Thanksgiving nearly undid him. She’d sat alone in the dining room and all he’d wanted to do was be with her. But how could he? You do not date your best friend’s sister. Worse, you do not have dangerous thoughts of sleeping with her, let alone dreaming of a life with a woman kinder than anyone he’d ever met. Just being around her made him feel lighter. She brightened the dark world he’d lived in for too long.

He needed to stay firmly planted on this side of the line. Adhere to the best-­bro code. This thing went beyond friendship. Jack was his boss and had saved his life. He owed Jack more than he could ever repay.

“Can you believe her?” Jack pulled him out of his thoughts. He dragged his gaze from Summer’s retreating sweet backside.

“Who’s the guy?” He kept his tone casual.

Jack glared. “Ex-­boyfriend from high school,” he said, irritated. “He’s home from grad school for the holiday.”

“Probably looking for a good time.”

Caleb tried not to smile when Jack growled, fisted his hands, and stepped off the curb, following after his sister. He’d counted on Jack’s protective streak to allow him to chase Summer himself. Caleb didn’t want anyone to hurt her. He sure as hell didn’t want her rekindling an old flame with some ex-­lover.

He and Jack walked into the park square just as everyone counted down, three, two, one, and the multicolored lights blinked on, lighting the fourteen-­foot tree in the center of the huge gazebo, and sparking the carolers to sing “O Christmas Tree.”

Tiny white lights circled up the posts and nearby trees, casting a glow over everything. The soft light made Summer’s golden hair shine. She smiled with her head tipped back, her bright blue eyes glowing as she stared at the tree.

His temper flared when the guy hooked his arm around her neck and pulled her close, nearly spilling his beer down the front of her. She laughed and playfully shoved him away. The guy smiled and put his hand to her back, guiding her toward everyone’s favorite bar. Several other ­people joined their small group.

Caleb tapped Jack’s shoulder and pointed to Summer’s back. Her long hair was bundled into a loose braid he wanted to unravel and then run his fingers through the silky strands.

“There she goes.”

“What the ... Let’s go get her.”

Caleb grabbed Jack’s shoulder. “If you go in there and demand she leaves, it’ll only embarrass her in front of all her friends. Let’s scout the situation. Lie low.”

“You’re right. She’ll only fight harder if we demand she come home. Let’s get a beer.”

Caleb grimaced. Hell yes, he wanted to drag Summer home, but fought the compulsion.

He did not want to watch her with some other guy.

Why did he torture himself like this?

Chapter Two

SUMMER LEANED OVERthe pool table, sliding the cue back and forth without hitting the ball. Charlie hovered over her back. “Let me show you how to shoot.”

She stood up, making him stumble. Not wanting to make a scene, or draw any more attention from her brother or Caleb, she laughed and said, “I took the last two games. I think I’ve got it.”

He grabbed her waist with both hands and pulled her close, their middles bumping. “Come on, Summer. Remember how we used to have fun.”

He swayed her back and forth, their hips locked together. She gave his cheek a friendly pat. “That was a long time ago.”