Page 15 of Can't Wait

Without a word, he took her into his arms and held her close. She settled her chin on his shoulder and hugged him.

“I’m leaving in a ­couple of days.”

She fell back onto her flat feet, reached up, and cupped his rough cheek in her palm. “Trying to convince me, or you?”

She walked up the hill, met Jack by the horses, and pointed out a beautiful spruce. “That one is just the right shape and height. Let’s get it.”

“How’s the head?” Jack asked.

Her heart hurt more over losing Caleb before they’d ever really had a chance. “I’ll be fine,” she said, as much for his benefit as her own.

Jack’s gaze fell on Caleb coming up behind her. He wore that same strange look.

“Grab the saw. Let’s get Summer her tree.”

Caleb grabbed the two-­man saw from the sled. They worked together to cut the tree down and load it. The bond between them showed in the way they joked and teased, and the easy way in which they worked in unison. They’d spent years working together, bonded by what they’d seen and done in the name of freedom. For the first time, she really understood and saw why Caleb clung to his friendship with Jack, instead of following his heart. They shared a bond born of need and necessity, forged during a time when trust and loyalty meant life or death.

Caleb stopped midstride to his horse and stared at her. She met his steady gaze and silently let him know she understood with a simple nod. He frowned, planted his hands on his hips, and nodded once to let her know he understood. She felt the wave of grief roll off her and blend with the wave of anguish he let out with a heavy sigh.

“It’s time,” Jack called from up ahead.

She mounted her horse and followed them. Yes, time to let him and the sweet dream of a future with Caleb go.

Chapter Seven

CALEB HELDSUMMER’Slegs just above the knee as she stood on the ladder and put the star at the top of the twelve-­foot tree. She smiled down at him. He had to admit, he loved her idea of using only white, silver, green, and red decorations. The tree looked elegant, like it belonged in some home decorating magazine. White bows; silver, red, and green glass balls in varying sizes; and cranberries strung together by all of them. The smell of cinnamon and hot apple cider filled the air, mingling with the tangy pine scent. The fire crackled in the huge stone hearth. Country Christmas. Perfect. Just what Summer wanted. Home and tradition. Family and friends gathered together around the tree.

He wanted to stay. He dreamed of making love to Summer, waking with her in his arms on Christmas morning, and sitting with her on the floor next to the tree opening presents, sharing some laughs, and enjoying the company and the holiday together.

“Caleb, we need to get down to the barn and finish our work for the day,” Jack’s voice intruded on his thoughts. Dreams that would never come true.

He indulged his inner beast and slid his hands down Summer’s outstanding legs before he stepped back, watching as she came down the ladder, ready to catch her if she fell. She wouldn’t, of course; not agile, capable Summer. Still, the compulsion to keep her safe overrode good sense sometimes.

Summer stepped off the ladder and headed straight for Jack. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. Caleb wished that hug and smile were for him.

“Thanks, Jack. It turned out beautiful.”

“Cookies. You promised.”

Summer’s laugh hit him in the gut. He loved the sound of it and would remember it for the rest of his lonely days.

“I promise. I’m off to the cabin. I’ve got more presents to wrap.”

“Thanks again,” Caleb said, drawing Summer’s attention back to him. He placed the Stetson on his head and touched his finger to the brim.

“You’re welcome.” She bit her rosy lip, her gaze falling to the floor before she looked back at him. “You won’t leave without saying good-­bye, right?”

He gave her a noncommittal nod, which didn’t please her, judging by the deep frown, but she let it go. He didn’t know if he could say good-­bye to her. Not when everything in him wanted to stay and be with her.

They walked out of the house together. Summer took the road back to her cabin and he followed Jack to the barn, neither of them saying anything. Inside the house, everything seemed fine and normal. They walked through the barn to Jack’s office. When they entered, Jack turned and faced him, his eyes blazing with anger.

“Did you sleep with my sister?”


“But you want to?”

Caleb didn’t answer that loaded question, which set Jack off, because anyone who’d seen him near Summer in the last few months knew he wanted her. No hiding something this strong and powerful.