Page 125 of Take Her from You

That same warning played out in my mind. A deep spike of intuition that I needed to follow this trail.

I hit the button to call Molly, excitement soothing a tiny edge of my sorrow for Valentine. “Can you get your aunt on the phone? I think the two of you might’ve just uncovered something vital.”

In an hour, I had the answer I’d been looking for. All I needed now was the ovaries to deliver the killing blow when the time came.

Chapter 37


Raphael lifted his head from a book, sprawled at the desk in his room at Braithar. “Didn’t expect to see ye back here.”

The lad jumped up and came to me, arms open. I took the embrace. Needed it. I’d clued in early that Raphael was a hugger. He made a point of throwing an arm around Jackson whenever he went quiet for too long, and was now doing the same with me.

Made me wonder if Raphael himself needed comfort more than he said.

He slapped my back and pulled away, his ready smile morphing into a frown. “Ye okay?”

“Not really. I’m about to call my ex. For some reason, she keeps messaging, and I haven’t spoken to her since she kissed my brother at my other brother’s wedding. Want to listen in?”

He widened his eyes then plopped back into his seat. “For some morbid reason, yes. Won’t it be weird?”

“Eh.” I took out my phone and went to my blocked numbers. There were two for Kelly. I picked the one she’d texted from recently. “I want ye to see the contrast between a failed relationship and one that’s going to work.”

“I take it the latter’s with Mia?”

“If she’ll take me back.”

He winced. “Did ye do something daft? Atmosphere was tense in the heli, but I figured that was from the meeting.”

“Yeah, that was mostly me. I’ll give her tonight while I fix shite then I’m going to make up for it.”

I hit the number to call Kelly then sat at the end of Raph’s bed, thankfully stripped and remade by someone since I’d collapsed here. My camp bed was still against the other wall. Looked like I’d be sleeping there tonight.

I deserved nothing better than the floor.

The line rang loud in the room.

“H-hello?” Kelly’s hesitant voice followed.

“Kelly, it’s Valentine. I’m with a friend. You’ve been trying to get hold of me.” Nothing but cool indifference filled me. Until now, I’d thought talking to her the worst thing ever. To my surprise, I was entirely calm.

“Yes. Wait a minute. I’m getting out of my car.” Sounds came of a door closing and footsteps on a path. “I’m in the house now. Did you say you’re with someone?”

“One of my team. Listen, I’ve got a lot to do this evening, so if ye could get to the point quickly about why you’re blowing up my phone, I’d be grateful.”

A pause followed. “It’s been years, Valentine.”

I shrugged, not that she could see. “And?”

“You’re still angry at me.”

“That isn’t true.” Even if I still needed to hold her to account, I didn’t care enough for any strong emotion.

Kelly sighed. “I just assumed things would be different now, since, you know, everything got resolved. It is, right?”

“I’m drawing a blank here. What’s been resolved?”

“You know what I mean.He’sengaged to be married.”