I mused on what I had to do next. Or maybe I didn’t need to consider a thing. Today, I’d been scared out of my wits but I hadn’t let that fear own me. I’d shown up.
Tomorrow, I’d do the same, except this time on my own two feet.
Scarlet returned. “Ally’s finished work and was wondering if we were done.”
“We are. I know what I’m going to do. Wish me good luck in telling the Winchesters to go fuck themselves tomorrow.”
“You’re going in person?”
“With bells on.”
Scarlet beamed and rounded the table to hug me. “I want a blow-by-blow account of all that goes down.”
“You’ll have it.”
She drove away, and I sat alone in my kitchen and let all the facts and different pieces of information filter through my brain. Stress had been eating at me for days, giving me the worst brain fog. If only I could work out the missing piece of the puzzle.
A hidden will, votes and tied-up cash, pretend acceptance, lies, and threats. It all whirled around in my head. Maybe I could talk it through with Molly. She knew the family and had lived two streets over from the Winchesters before her marriage broke up and she’d moved to Stirling. I vaguely remembered her aunt, the lady who drove the school bus, had been friendly with them, too, being of the same generation. Maybe she’d have some insight. Then I pulled a face. She’d gotten Greg Junior’s name wrong when we last spoke. Still, it was worth a try.
I tapped out a quick message to Molly.
Mia: Remember that paperwork I picked up? Tobi will split her dad’s assets with his sons, but they’re making it hard on us. Do you have a minute to talk it out?
Another engine roared outside. I peered from the window.
Valentine was home, his expression dark as he exited his big black car and approached my door. It couldn’t be a coincidence that he’d gone down to talk to Greg and had come back miserable.
I heaved another sigh and straightened my shoulders, ready to face whatever else today had to throw at me.
Chapter 35
The door swung open without me even touching it, and Mia appeared in the frame.
She peered at my raised fist. “You were going to knock?”
I shrugged. “Not like I live here.”
“Even though you have actually lived here for a week.” She blew an exasperated breath. “Go sit down.”
I ducked under the frame and trod inside. “I’ll stand.”
“Suit yourself. I’m exhausted, so don’t mind if I collapse. Today has been a battering ram that just keeps swinging. Not even just today.” She shook her head, like she had to dislodge a sense of being stunned. “So, during the meeting you went out and spoke to Greg. Tell me about it.”
I hated his name on her lips. Despised it.
All afternoon, I’d wallowed in misery at what I’d discovered. Coming here was the very last fucking thing I’d wanted to do,but it was better to have this out then walk away. I’d been in the situation before and didn’t want history repeating more than it already had.
“He told me everything,” I forced out, waiting for the flash of guilt on her face.
Mia had the cheek to raise her eyebrows. “And that included what exactly?”
“About the two of ye.”
“Elaborate, please.”
Frustration rushed in me, hurt and pain too close to the surface, an afternoon spent imagining her with him driving me crazy. “Do ye really need me to spell it out?”