Page 119 of Take Her from You

Beyond the room, I followed the corridor to the rear of the hotel. From the windows, I scanned the car park below. The orange truck stood out like a sore thumb, Greg standing in the open door with one foot on the tread.

If he was here to take Tobi, I’d bury him with that fucking truck on top of him.

A set of stairs led down to an exit, Jackson waiting the other side, keeping a watch while not engaging yet.

He lifted his chin as I slipped out the door. “Need a hand?”

I snorted. “If I can’t take out this miserable arsehole with one hit, I shouldn’t be in this job.”

“Use your words first, Val.” He chuffed a laugh and held his position.

I strode on, making a beeline for Greg.

Adrenaline tightened my muscles, and anger threatened my composure. Fuck this guy. If he ended up with my fist in his face, it could only improve his looks.

He clocked me immediately and straightened from his lean.

I let my hostility show. “Why the fuck does it seem like you’re planning an abduction?”

He reared back, his expression of disgust still installed. “Who are you?”

“Valentine Graham, here with Mia and Tobi. Answer the question.”

“I don’t need to tell you shit.”

I let a cold smile curve my lips. “Aye, but ye might prefer that to my alternative way of getting information from ye. Try to enter the building, and my man is there to persuade ye against it. If ye even get that far.”

He shut his mouth, his gaze jumping to Jackson before returning to me. “Mia can’t afford security.” Then his eyes narrowed. “One of you is fucking her fat ass, then.”

As a bodyguard, there were lines I shouldn’t cross. Despite my comment to Jax, I knew I wasn’t above the law, and there was clear delineation between protective and aggressive behaviour. That was all that kept me from grabbing him by the throat.

Greg centred on me, sniffing out my rising rage. “It’s you, then.”

I tilted my head in cold assessment, not acknowledging a thing, but the moron only got more excited.

“Damn, she’s got better at leading men on, then. Used to be the other way around. Did you know she used to follow me about like a sad and desperate bitch? One click of my fingers and she’d sit up and beg. She’s always been mine.”

“Bullshit,” I gritted out. He was talking crap. Trying to rattle me. If they’d been in a relationship, Mia would have told me.

Greg shifted forward in an attempt to reclaim his space. I didn’t budge, as much frozen to the spot as not giving an inch, and he rocked back on the balls of his feet.

“You care about her, don’t you? Didn’t she tell you why she left? My brother opened his big mouth and gave up the game so she didn’t believe I was serious about her. But just as easily, I can get her back. If you think she cares about you, guess again, because that bitch is taking you for all she can get. Mia wants me and she always has.”

A slew of images of the two of them together suddenly hit me. Her in his arms. In his bed. Her wanting him, not me, all this time.

History repeating.

Greg gave me a final smirk of victory and climbed into his car, reaching for the door handle. I stepped aside. It was betterfor him to go than be here, even if I wanted to throttle answers out of him.

Through the open window, with his blond hair slicked back, Greg gave a final parting comment. “When I’m ready, I’ll take her from you, and it’ll be as easy as breathing because she’s loved me all along.”

He revved the engine then drove out of the car park, leaving me to stare. And fucking reel in horror. My worst nightmare, bigger than any Kelly had ever given me and unknown until this second, had just come true.

Chapter 34


Valentine entered the room behind me right as Vanissa took her seat once again.