Page 109 of Take Her from You

In a couple of short clicks, I forwarded the shot, the whoosh of the message giving me away.

Valentine quirked a dark eyebrow. “Did ye just send that to yourself?”

“For later use.”

He eyed the phone I’d discarded on the bed. “Can I take pictures of ye for that purpose, too?”

I squirmed. “You already have shots of my boobs.”

“A gateway drug. Ye got me hooked, and now I need more. Like seeing half my hand slicked up and buried in your pussy whenever I want.”

To make his point, he tapped a place inside me that had me seeing stars. Denying him anything now was impossible.

“Okay, but just that.”

He swore and grabbed the phone, angling it, then showing me the result. I moaned, the sight of myself likethat,with his fingers buried, deeply erotic. Being with Valentine was a journey into exploring my sexuality, and I was grabbing on to all chances.

He tossed the phone then collected my vibrator, pausing to drown it in lube before flicking it on. “I’m going to use this on low to open ye further. My hand is big, but luckily ye chose a good model for this design so it’ll do the job.”

To start with, he brushed the toy over my nipples, smiling as I cursed him, then took a suck of both in turn. He drove the vibrator down the centre of me and passed it over my clit then straight inside me, his hand removed. I keened, the rush of desire overwhelming. Valentine didn’t wait around, drawing it in and out and taking first one then two fingers back in with it. Soon, he had all three alongside the dildo.

“Fucking hell, woman. Ye are so clever. So good. Your pussy is taking this so well.”

Despite the fact all I was doing was lying there, I got a burst of pride at his praise.

Valentine slowed again, just teasing me, the vibrations not enough to tip me over the edge yet and his fingers a steady presence.

“I loved military life,” he said, though his voice was gruff and his gaze never strayed from where he penetrated me. “Even if it was tough, I was never bored, and I enjoyed the camaraderie with my unit.”

“Did. You keep. In contact?” I stammered, fighting my eyes closing against the onslaught of good feeling. Higher and higher, he was driving me, the orgasm kept at bay but the pressure building.

“Aye, with a couple of guys. We text from time to time, but both are still serving. Becoming a recluse didnae help my friendships.”

The vibrations kicked up a notch, Valentine obviously having pressed the button. Still moving slow, he pulled the toy almost all the way out, his hand thick at my entrance.

“Four fingers,” he uttered like a curse.

Spreading me with his fingers wide, he sank my vibrator back in and circled it in wide arcs, aided by the lube and how slick I’d become. It hit so many pleasure sensors that tears filled my eyes. Not in upset but the sheer intensity of it. I drove my heels into the bed, letting the tears fall.

Abruptly, we were there.

In a push, the toy went away and Valentine’s whole hand replaced it, lodging deep. I gasped, mouth open at the intrusion. He groaned, holding completely still.

“You’re doing it, little spy. You’re taking my hand. Going to form a fist now.”

I breathed permission, every part of me focused on that full feeling, on the reverie in Valentine’s voice. Inside me, the shape changed to a thicker presence. It touched all the places the vibrator had done when he’d driven it in a circle, but at the same time. I’d never felt anything like it.

“Your pussy is closed around my wrist. Christ, woman. How does that feel?” he demanded.


“Can I show ye with a picture?”

I nodded, and he took it, showing me the sight on his screen. I moaned again, needing him to move. To deliver on the promise from every flex of his fingers and bring a crest to my building need.

“So fucking perfect. Your body is beautiful. You’re amazing,” he said almost in a chant.

“Make me come,” I managed.