Page 67 of In This Moment


“You’re so fucking beautiful.” His raspy words dance on my skin as he tucks my hair behind my ear, his fingertips trailing down my chest.

His tongue brushes my neck, his lips kissing the sensitive flesh. Every nerve of my body is tingling with anticipation, my center pulsing in desperate need of a release.

“Brenden…” My moan is pleading.

He cups my breast, grazing his thumb over my nipple. His other hand glides down my body toward the painful pulsating between my legs, and I rock into him.

“Do you want me, baby?”


He slips his hand into my panties, his lips curving against my skin as his fingers slip through my wet folds. “All of me?”

I wake with a gasp, my body throbbing to the speedy beat of my heart. His scent continues to surround me, the image of him lingering in my mind as I try to grab ahold of reality. My limbs are heavy from the phantom weight of his body pressed against mine, my skin warm. I’m torn between wanting to hold on to the feeling of him and knowing this can’t be real.

Even though it feels so tangible.

I try to stretch, but the added resistance makes me halt. My fingertips float over the smooth expanse of warm skin before skidding across gruff hair.

I reluctantly open my eyes, slowly blinking until Brenden’s face comes into view. He looks so peaceful and content, his features soft and still, only the slight rise and fall of his chest keeping him animated. His hair is messy and clumped together in some places. Even with bedhead, he’s breathtaking.

The realization of the situation begins to seep in, and icy panic runs through me. I’m not sure how I ended up in bed with Brenden with our bodies tangled together—my head on his chest, our legs threaded, his arms caging me in.

I search through my hazy, lust-filled brain but can’t recall anything after Brenden started massaging my shoulders. My heart stops as my dream comes flooding back. It was only a dream…right? Surely, we didn’t…

My gaze travels down his body and then mine, verifying we’re both fully clothed. Sleeping with Brenden would be bad, but not remembering it would be a damn crime.

I relax again, allowing myself a moment to enjoy this. I’ve missed being held, having this kind of intimacy with someone. This goes beyond that basic human need, though. I’m feeling this way because of Brenden.

Our relationship has developed into something I hadn’t expected or planned for. This is far beyond friendship. But how can I be sure I’m ready for more?

I snuggle deeper into Brenden’s hold and close my eyes. Worrying can wait until later. I’m not willing to leave the safety of his arms just yet.

The sound of his steady heartbeat begins to lull me back to sleep, until a bright glimmer of light hits my face. My eyes pop and the beaming sunlight rips me from my dazed state.

It’s morning. I slept in Brenden’s arms all night. Which means it’s time for me to go.

Dread burns in my chest at the thought of leaving. Julianna will be waiting for me at home, locked and loaded with questions I’m not prepared to answer.

I lift my head and take another good look at Brenden’s peaceful face, brushing my hand across his cheek as he so often does to mine. My movements are cautious as I disconnect our bodies, careful not to wake him. I’ll have to deal with this and talk about it at some point, but I’d rather it be after I’ve had time to think. Perhaps even brushed my teeth and combed my hair.

Brenden’s arms slip off me as I pull away, but his grip quickly tightens, becoming nearly suffocating as he presses his nose to the top of my head. He inhales me, and my heart hammers in my chest. His fingers seek out the heat of my skin underneath my shirt, caressing my back.

“Lizzy…” He lets out a groggy moan, his hardness lengthening higher up my body as he pushes it roughly into me.

“Brenden.” I try again to separate our bodies, electricity reigniting the painful ache inside me. My legs squeeze around him on their own accord, needing to release some of the mounting pressure.



Her wide green eyes are the first things that come into focus. I blink again, taking in her pale skin, plump lips, and dark hair.

My heart stutters. Holding her is like toeing the line of heaven and hell. It’s euphoria and pain at the same time. A glimpse at what it’d be like to call Lizzy mine while knowing she may never be.

“Brenden,” she sighs, “will you please loosen your damn hold on me?” She wiggles her body, rubbing against my hard-on. My dick twitches as I reluctantly release her, and she quickly shoots up. “How the hell did this happen?”