My phones rings, and I answer it without bothering to look at the caller ID. His nightly calls can be timed down to the second these days. Like he’s been waiting to tap my name on his phone.
“Hi, Brenden.” I snuggle further into my bed. “How was your day?”
“Long.” He sighs. “How about yours?”
“Mine was okay. Want to talk about it?” I already know the answer. Brenden never talks to me about work. Or his past. And I don’t push.
“Nope. What’re we watching tonight?”
“There isn’t much to choose from. I put on an old episode of Sex and the City.”
“Ah, man,” he groans, “I don’t want to watch a chick show.”
I snicker at the absurdity of his statement. Every night we sit on the phone watching television together. It’s ridiculous. “Really? Chick show? There’s nothing saying you have to watch what I’m watching.”
“What fun would that be? What would we talk about?”
I scoff. “I don’t know. We could have a regular conversation like normal people.”
“Nah, normal is boring. Why would we want to be like that?”
“Good point, but I’m not changing the channel. This is a good episode. Miranda finally tells Steve she loves him.”
“You realize I don’t know what any of that means, right?”
“Well, Miranda and Steve have had a lot of relationship issues. Mostly because Miranda was unwilling or able to fully accept Steve’s love. That’s why it was a such a big deal when she finally told Steve she loved him.”
“That does sound interesting. Tell me more and what channel, please.”
“It’s on TBS. Are you being a smartass?”
“No. Which one is Miranda? If I’m going to be watching this with you, I need to know more.”
“She’s the redhead. Are you really going to watch it?”
“Well, it’s not like I have much of a choice here. If it’s what you want to watch, I’m watching it.”
His words send a warmth through my veins, butterflies taking flight in my stomach.
“Now, tell me more about this Miranda and Steve situation,” he says. “Do you think there’s anything he could’ve done to speed this process along?”
“I don’t know.” I chuckle, thrown by his question. “I think she simply needed time to come to the realization on her own. It isn’t anything Steve did or didn’t do. Miranda was afraid of what loving someone would mean. She doesn’t do vulnerable, and doesn’t like feeling dependent on someone else, but that’s all part of being in love.”
It occurs to me that Miranda’s issues sound a lot like Brenden’s, and I wonder what’s kept him from being able to love all these years.
“You’re a total Miranda,” I tease.
“Excuse me? I don’t think so. I assure you, I’m not a woman. If you’d like to see proof—”
“No,” I rush as my body heats. “I’m not saying that. Everyone can relate to at least one of the main characters. Cat is a Carrie, searching for that one Big love. Lori is a Samantha, believing she prefers her freedom and a casual sex life to real relationships—”
“Okay, wow, I didn’t need to know that about her.”