“Oh, Lizzy, you look so beautiful,” Allison coos, with tears in her eyes.
I smile warmly, my stomach fluttering with nerves. “Thank you, Ally.”
Emotions overwhelm me as I step over to the full-length mirror to look at myself. It’s hard to believe how much my life has changed over the past year.
Our lives are made up of moments, and even the smallest of moments can change them forever.
Like a routine trip to the library.
I never thought I’d find love again. Or someone I wanted to share my life with.
But here I am—standing in a white dress, feeling like the luckiest woman in the world.
“Are you ready for your big day?” Julianna asks, bringing me my veil.
“You know me…I hate being the center of attention. I think I’m nervous more than anything, but I’m excited about tonight.”
“Wow…really, Lizzy?” Cat groans. “I’m sitting right here, and I don’t want to hear that shit. Geez.”
Laughing, I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at her. She and Lori have always been bad when it comes to oversharing. She can handle dishing it out but can’t seem to take it.
“Fine. Can I talk about how excited I am for the honeymoon trip then?”
Brenden, being such an amazing and wonderful man, planned our honeymoon to include the kids.
We’ll have tonight together alone in the hotel, just the two of us, but tomorrow we leave for a ten-day vacation at Walt Disney World.
I cried like a big baby when he told me what he’d planned.
He said he wasn’t only making a commitment to me, he was making a commitment to the kids as well, and he wanted to start our lives together the right way—as a family.
Of course…he did book us a suite…so we’ll be able to have some private time. I hope.
“Yes, that we can talk about,” Cat says with a grin. “And let me just say again, you’re welcome.”
When Brenden finally told me the real story of how he wound up running into me at the coffee shop that day, I wasn’t completely sure how I felt about it.
Either way, I believe we were destined to be together—with or without Cat’s interference.
And although she seriously needs to learn about boundaries, I do owe her at least a little bit of gratitude. That was the day I finally started to move forward with my life.
“Yes, yes, thank you, wonderful sister of mine. I owe you my undying gratitude,” I mock, smirking as I shake my head. “In all seriousness, though…”
I turn away from the mirror and lock my eyes on hers. “Thank you for loving me and being there for me. You were really there for me during the darkest time in my life. I hope you know I appreciate and love you very much.”
“Damn it, Lizzy,” she huffs, fanning her face as she stands up. “You’re going to make me cry and screw up my makeup.” I laugh as she scurries over to give me a hug. “I love you too, little sis, and I couldn’t be happier for you. Even if you’re getting married a second time while I’ll likely never have a wedding day.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” I chirp, smiling brightly.
It’s been killing me not to tell Cat her boyfriend is planning to propose, but I made a promise to her future groom and want her to be surprised.
“What about me?” Lori asks, crossing her arms. “My baby sister is going to end up married a second time too at this rate, and I’m nowhere near my first.”
Julianna smiles gleefully but remains silent. I wasn’t around her and Christopher often while they were together, but she never seemed this happy with him. In fact, I’ve never seen her so happy. I couldn’t be more thrilled for her.