Page 89 of Muff

“Because he doesn’t want me looking for her,” Addison fills me in.“He thinks she’s dangerous, or some crap, and he knows I’m like a dog with a bone, so I won’t give up until I have answers.If I don’t have her name, I can’t get answers.”

“I’m guessing that’s going well then?”Ciara chuckles.

“Not really,” Addi grins.“We haven’t had sex in over a week and he’s looking at me like he might just tie me down soon.I’m here for it, a bit of angry sex would be good right now.”

“You’re a devil,” Serenity laughs.

The guys come into the room, and I notice Cade’s eyes move to Addison.She doesn’t look at him, the stubborn woman she is.Instead, she sidles up next to Muff and grins.“I hear you’re going to be a daddy again, congrats.I hope it’s a girl so you can spend the rest of your life panicking about all the trouble she’ll get into.Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to teach her how Auntie Addi rolls.”

“Jesus,” Muff mutters, but his eyes are dancing with humor.“I’ll make sure to keep you away from her.”


“You got a minute?”Cade asks, his face stern.

He is pissed.It’s not often I see Cade less than calm.He’s always chill and collected, but lately, he hasn’t been.It’s bugging him that Addison won’t give in to him, and I know she’s loving every second of it.

Addison finally looks at him.

I hate seeing them tense because they’re the best couple I know, but I also know until this is sorted out, nothing will change.They’re both as stubborn as each other, which means until one of them breaks, this will go on and on.I wonder who will cave first?My bets are on Cade because Addison is fire.

“I told you last night, Cade, I’m not talking to you until you agree to tell me your sisters name.”

“And I told you,” he grinds out, “that I ain’t tellin’ you a single fuckin’ thing about her because I don’t want this in my life.There is nothin’ to tell, Addison, now let it go.”

Rolling her eyes, Addison crosses her arms.“What a load of crap.There is always something to tell.She’s your sister.You’re refusing because you don’t want me to know, and I have to wonder why.”

“I don’t want you to know because I know you well, and I know that you’ll go do somethin’ fuckin’ stupid and get us all in the shit.The club is dealin’ with enough, we don’t need your bullshit added to the mix.”

Her eyes widen, unimpressed.“Well, if you don’t tell me, I’ll definitely do something stupid and trust me, I promise it will be so high up the bullshit ladder that you won’t have time to scratch your head before it comes crashing down over you.”

Oh boy.

This is getting heated.

“That’s enough, baby,” Jackson warns, giving his daughter a stare that tells everyone in the room, he’s not messing around.

She shoots him a look.“Excuse me,father, but you don’t get to be on his side in this.Not considering you helped him cover it up.”

“Maybe I don’t,daughter,” Jackson drawls.“But I do get to decide what happens in this club, and it is now official club business which means-”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Addison throws her hand up.“That means it’s none of ours, blah blah blah.It is mine, though, because my man is involved.”

“Thought you weren’t talkin’ to him, precious,” Spike teases lightly.

Addison shoots him a scowl.“He’s still my man, Spike.”

“Not when you’re withholding the pussy he ain’t.”

“Spike!”Ciara slaps his arm, trying to smother a giggle.

“It’s my pussy,” Addison shrugs.“I can do what I want with it.”

Spike grins at her, and I am trying to fight a laugh.

My gosh, they never stop making me laugh.No wonder Ciara is always holding her stomach, like her bladder is about to burst.It’s because there is always something going down that is bringing drama in, and that drama is always involving Addison, I swear.Well, except the last one, that was mine.

But the rest are hers.