Page 79 of Muff

The instructor appears, and I give him a nod.

Janine turns to me, hopping around like a hyped-up rabbit.“I’m scared.Ugh.I don’t think I can do it.”

I take her face in my hands.“Close your eyes, and I’ll do the jumping.Trust me, how you feel after it will change your entire life.”

Nodding, we turn and make our way to the plane.

The ride up is quick, and I can feel the effects of the drug already taking over my body, making it warm.A buzz washes through me and my eyes feel a little heavy as I turn and look to Janine, who is staring down at her hands.When she looks up at me, there is a lazy smile on her face.Oh yeah, it’s working for her.

“I’m not nervous anymore,” she whispers, leaning in closer to me, “do you think it’s safe for us to jump out of a plane when we’re high?”

“Least it won’t hurt if we die.”

She slaps my arm.“That’s not funny.”

“You two ready to suit up?”

Glancing at the instructor, I stand as he helps me get everything on.The guy who is jumping with Janine starts getting her ready, too.Her eyes are slightly dazed, but I can see the nerves trickling back in.When we’re ready to jump, I look over to her and grin.“You’ve got this, baby.Trust me, it’s worth it.”

“I don’t think I can do it.”

Reaching out, I take her hand.“Close your eyes and just go with it.”

Stepping up to the edge of the plane once the door is opened and I’m ready, I look over my shoulder to her before we jump.The thrilling rush that comes over me is even better than the last, and I can hear my own laughter trickling through the breeze.I don’t know if Janine jumped, but fuck, I hope she did.I know it’ll change her life.

By the time I land, my body is full of adrenaline, and I feel as though I can conquer the entire world.

Turning, I look for Janine, and grin when I see her parachute slowly coming down to the ground.When she lands, the smile on her face is so big, it makes my heart swell.The moment she’s released, she comes running toward me, throwing herself into my arms with a happy squeal.“That was the best feeling in the world!”

“Told you you’d like it, baby,” I murmur into her hair.

Pulling back, legs around my waist, she gets a dark expression.“I heard that sex while high is even better.”

There she is.

My girl.

“I think you might be right,” I growl.

“Behind the plane?”

Hell yeah.

Behind the plane.



“What are you goin’ to do with all this cash?”I ask Janine, staring at the safe we have returned to the house.

She shrugs.“I really don’t know.I wanted it for Ebony and Max’s future.What do you think?”

“Think that’s a good idea.”

“I wouldn’t mind getting a bigger car,” she tells me, her voice growing soft.

Turning to face her, I tip my head to the side, confused.“Yours is only new.”