Page 6 of Muff

“Baby, thereain’t.”

“You don’t know,” I push back, pouting.“I could have a long list of wild things you don’t know about.”

His eyes dance with amusement.“I’m goin’ skydiving on the weekend, come.”

I blink.“I beg your pardon?”


“Since when?”

“Friend of mine had two bookings he can’t use, so I took them.Was goin’ to tell you today.Now, I don’t need to because you’re coming.”

“Absolutely not,” I say, putting my hands up.“No way in hell.I’ll die.”

“It’s perfectly safe, baby.They’re trained professionals.”

“So, if I google the history of skydiving, I won’t see any deaths?”

He chuckles.“Come on, Jaybird.Love that you’re careful, but I want to see that fire inside come out.”

“I’m not as crazy as you, Muff.You should have thought of that before deciding to breed with me.”

A low laugh escapes his lips as he hooks an arm around my waist again.“Stop your sulkin’, princess.I’m more than happy with my choice.”

I frown.“Well, good, because I’m not going skydiving.”

“At least come in the plane with me?”

I scrunch up my nose, then huff out a breath.“Fine, but don’t think that means I’m jumping because I absolutely amnot.”

“Deal,” he murmurs, bringing his lips down to mine.

I kiss him, long and deep, but a little part of me is slightly deflated.

Does Muff find me boring?

He’d never say it, but he’s made more than one remark about me coming out of my shell and living a little.

He lives his life to the fullest, and I love that about him.If there is an opportunity for him to do something completely crazy and out of this world, Muff will take it.He is the man who has tried all the drugs when he was younger, partied all night, done wild and crazy things with the club, and will happily tell you about it.He never let a single part of it shape him, but it’s in his spirit, and that shows.

I’m the opposite.

I’ve never tried drugs, never done anything crazy, and I’ve always played it safe.

Is that a bad thing?

I just don’t know.

I can’t help but worry Muff will find me a bore eventually.

His wild spirit and my timid nature work beautifully together, but they also clash.

It’ll just depend on which one comes out the strongest in the end.