Page 87 of Muff

Harper’s voice is soft, light and she sounds happy.

That makes me feel fantastic, considering what she has been through.

Realizing what she’s saying, my heart aches a little.It’s Charlie’s birthday.That’s the only person she would be talking about.For years after he died, we would go outside on his birthday and look up at the moon, imagining him sitting on it, staring down at us.It was weird, and random, but it brought a kind of comfort that helped ease the pain.

“I didn’t realize,” I murmur.

“It just so happens it’s a full moon.I couldn’t believe it, but I can only take it as a sign.”

Tipping my head back, I see the moon in the sky, full and bright.

She’s right.

“What are the chances?”

She laughs, softly.“You want to know what I think?”

“Hit me.”

“I think he’s telling us that he’s glad we’re back in each other’s lives.It might not have been how we thought, but I know it would make him happy.”

I’d like to think it would make him happy.

I’d like to think he looks down at me with pride and not disappointment.

“What do you think?”Harper asks when I don’t respond.

“I think you’re right.”

“I know things have been hard, Brian, and I don’t want to come back in and make them harder, but I’d really like it if we could be friends again.I know you have a family, and I’m probably not Janine’s favorite person, but if we could just talk on the phone just seems such a waste, all those years of friendship.”

She’s right.

We spent our lives on that street being friends, even before we were lovers.

Charlie is gone, but she’s not.

For so many years, I thought she was, and it hurt.Now I have a chance to bring her back into my life, and I don’t want to give up that chance.Not completely, anyway.I have to respect Janine, but a phone call here and there is something I think we can all live with.

“I’d like that,” I say, and I mean it.

I picked Janine because she’s the way I want my future to go, but that doesn’t mean I can’t respect the past.

“Amazing.What do you reckon he’s thinking up there right now?”

I tip my head back again, grinning.“I think he’s jealous of just how good I look now.”

Harper laughs.“Oh, he’s definitely thinking that.”

Heart growing a little softer, I grin.“I think he’s proud.That’s what I think.”

“I think so, too.I’m glad we’re friends, Brian.”

“Me too, little flower.”

She laughs.“I guess I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Guess you will.”