Page 83 of Muff

The voice I hear stops me in my tracks, sending shivers up my spine.

I know it because it haunts my dreams.

After the attack, Wesley is a face I haven’t been able to get out of my head.

Turning slowly, I see him standing behind me on the sidewalk.He looks casually dressed, with jeans and a black jacket, but it’s the expression on his face that tells me he’s anything but casual.He moves the jacket aside and I see he’s got a gun in his pants.A silent threat.My heart skips a beat as I bring my purse around to the front of my chest, desperate to get my phone.

“Don’t touch that phone, Janine,” he warns.“I will shoot you down on this sidewalk.”

He wouldn’t.

No way.


“What do you want?”I whisper, my voice shaking.

“I want to know if your little club received my message?”

“You know they did.”

He grins.“Fabulous.Because I need something from them.If they don’t want the world to know what they covered up.One good news story and they’ll have criminals from all over the state after them.”

I don’t understand.

I know Cade got himself tangled in something he shouldn’t have, but what could they have covered up?

Is it just that they made it disappear?

Or is there more to it?

“Nobody will believe you; it happened so long ago.”

My attempt to throw him off is pitiful, at best.

“Oh, trust me, theywill.”

“Why now?Why didn’t you do this years ago?”

I’m holding my purse to my chest, still wondering how I might be able to get my phone out.

“Because I didn’t know back then that Cade has something I need.So, you’re going to tell him that if he doesn’t come to the party, I’m going to expose him and that club.Trust me, when it drops, none of them will be safe.”

Heart racing, I consider my options.

I could run, we are on a sidewalk after all.If I do, would he catch me?Would he shoot me?I don’t think he’d take the risk, but I can’t be sure of that.He might have already figured out a plan, but I know one thing is for sure, I’m not getting into a van or a truck or going anywhere with him.I’ll take the risk and run before doing that again.

“Stop looking so scared, Janine,” Wesley laughs, as if we’re two old friends.“I’m not going to take you again.You just need to deliver my message and tell the club they have twenty-four hours to contact me otherwise I’ll expose them.”

“How will they contact you?Because you must know by now that they’re after blood, I’m not sure why you think they’ll work with you and not take your head clean off when given the chance.”

Wesley chuckles.“Oh, I’m sure they’ll try, but I have a plan for everything.They can contact me by dialing the number on this.”

He pulls out a small black flip phone and hands it to me.I’ve watched enough shows to know this is a burner.He’s not going to allow them to know his personal number.I’m sure he has multiple burners he uses to do business.Hell, the guy probably doesn’t even have a personal phone.

Reaching out, I hesitantly take the phone.

“Twenty-four hours.”He tells me, before turning and disappearing down the sidewalk.