Page 81 of Muff

21 – Janine

“ARE YOU SURE THAT’Sa good idea?”I ask Addison, sitting next to her at a coffee shop.

We’re all here because she called us in to talk.

None of us knew what it was about, but it’s safe to say things between her and Cade have been all over the place since she found out what happened with him.She has been staying with Jackson and Serenity, which tells me she’s not letting it go easily.The problem with Addison is, she’s like a dog with a bone, and she doesn’t let things go.

She is determined to find out about Cade’s sister, and I’m worried about where that might lead her.

She just told us she knows someone from her past who is going to see if he can find her, but she hasn’t told Cade about it.

“It’s probably not a good idea,” she answers me, “but I’m doing it anyway.”

“Addi,” Serenity frowns.“You and Cade have been so good, so strong, are you sure you want to go behind his back and do this?”

“He is refusing to look for her, refusing to tell me anything about what happened between them, and I’m not going to stand for it.I told him about my life, I gave him everything, and he’s giving me nothing.Until he’s ready to do that, I’m not backing down.”

“Take it from me,” I tell her, carefully.“Secrets and lies can really mess your relationship up.Are you honestly willing to risk that?”

“Janine is right,” Ciara cuts in, leaning onto the table with her elbows.“It’s not worth the risk.”

“This is important to me,” Addison tells us.“I need you girls with me on this.I’m not asking for your help; I’m just asking that you don’t say anything.”

“If your dad finds out I knew, he’ll have my ass,” Serenity points out, crossing her arms.“So, as far as anyone is concerned, I know nothing.”

Addison gives her a grossed-out look.“Ugh.I don’t want to think about my dad and your ass in the same situation, but I hear you, you know nothing.”

Serenity grins.“He likes my ass.”

“Serenity!”Ciara giggles.“Stop teasing her.”

Addi finally cracks a smile.“You can all deny any knowledge, I won’t drop you in the deep end.I just need someone to vent to and you’re my girls.”

“Well, you know we’ve always got your back,” Ciara smiles at her, “but please don’t mess up your relationship with Cade.I don’t think I can be in this club without you.”

Addison waves a hand.“It’ll be fine, I’m making him work for it right now.It’s kind of nice when he’s all broody and chasing me around.I think I’ll enjoy it a little longer.”

“You’re a bad woman.”I chuckle.