Page 8 of Muff

She bites her lower lip.“I’m glad you’re alive, and I didn’t have to bury your pancake body.”

I chuckle.“Me too, I don’t know where you’d be without this cock.”

“It would still be okay as a pancake,” she teases lightly.

Giving her a hungry expression, my eyes darken as an idea washes over me.“Come on, let’s go and fuck behind the plane.”

Her eyes widen.“Muff!”

“What?Everyone is over there now, and the plane is empty.Come on, I’ll be quick.”

She shakes her head, slapping my arm with a light laugh.“I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not?”

“If you say the word, then I’m definitely serious,” I growl, reaching for her, my fingers grazing down her sides.“It would be spontaneous and fun, you tryin’ to muffle your moans while I drive my cock in and out of that sweet little cunt.”

I’m getting hard now, just thinking about it.

She pouts a little, stepping back.“Do you think I’m boring?”

Well, that took a sharp turn.

“Boring?No.No fuckin’ way.”

“But I’m not adventurous enough for you?”

“Where’s this comin’ from?”I ask, giving up on the idea and unbuckling myself, turning and walking towards the large shed where all the planes are parked up.

“You seem to be pushing for me to be more adventurous, and I thought it might be because you think I’m boring.”

“No, baby,” I say, and it’s the truth.

Janine isn’t boring.Hell no.She sparks my soul on fire.She’s careful, though, and every so often I wouldn’t mind seein’ her let her hair down and just go wild.I’d never push her, though, I just want her to feel like she can be herself around me, to really let her guard down.

“But you wish I was wilder?”

Pausing, I turn toward her.“Would I like to see you go crazy and just let yourself live a little?Yeah, I would, but that don’t mean I’m any less in love with you and I sure as shit don’t think you’re boring.”

Smiling, she pushes up on her tiptoes and kisses me.

Yeah, nothing in the world could change the way I feel about her.



“BRIAN, I HAVEN’T SEENyou around here for so long,” Diamond purrs, walking up to where I’m standing out the front of the club by my bike, a cigarette in my mouth, waiting for the guys to go on a ride.

Diamond is a club whore.

She’s attractive, but a pain in the ass, and when she sets her sights on you, she can be hard to shake.I’ve fucked her before, once or twice, mostly when I was too lazy to go and find a better time.She can be somewhat clingy, and I don’t have time for her bullshit.She’s been all over the prospect lately, which has kept her away from me.

Flicking her raven black hair in the sunlight, she puts her leg up, resting her foot on the footpeg and grinning up at me.She’s got a good body, small waist, big tits, a round ass, but her mouth is enough to turn anyone off.She’s a troublemaker and she’d never cut it as an old lady.She doesn’t come around when they’re here because she knows better.

“You know I’m taken now, Diamond.Got a woman,” I mutter, using my booted foot to shove her leg off my bike.

Disrespectful bitch.

“Aw,” She pouts, leaning forward to expose her cleavage.“She doesn’t have to know.”